ISSN 1563-0307 Journal. Philosophy series. Cultural science series. Political science series. №2 (60). 2017
Шамахай С.
Theoretical validity of article is based on the semiotics analysis of communicative systems of Mon-
gols and Turkic peoples in the context of cultures medieval Central Asian the nomadicheskikh of empires.
Results of researches of the domestic and foreign scientists addressing the analysis of the text of «The
Secret History of the Mongols» act as a methodological basis. In work such methods, widespread in
the sphere of humanitarian and philosophical knowledge, as unity historical and logical, an ascension
method from abstract to concrete, from the general to the particular, a historical comparative, a herme-
neutics are widely applied.
Bearing in mind that «The Secret History of the Mongols» it was earlier adequately investigated
by historians, linguists, literary critics, ethnographers, we have to consider this work with the cultural-
philosophical of positions now.
Key words:
«The Secret Tale», Genghis Khan, the Mongols, the Turks, the Tribe.
Шамахай С.
PhD докторант специальности «6D020100 – Философия», Евразийский национальный университет
им. Л.Н. Гумилева, Казахстан, г. Астана, е-mail:, тел.: +7 701 499 5860
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