План учебного занятия

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Lesson 8-1

Assignment # Two –

Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих слов, выражений и оборотов из текста; Составьте предложения с каждым их этих оборотов:

be (come from) abroad – _________________________________________;
make smb. do smth. – _________________________________________;
be surrounded by smth. – _________________________________________;
be a success – _________________________________________;
shake hands with smb. – _________________________________________;
be grateful to smb. – _________________________________________;
with the greatest difficulty – _________________________________________;
grow pale – _________________________________________;
insult smb. – _________________________________________;
be filled with. – _________________________________________;
Assignment # Three –
Ответьте на следующие вопросы:
1) Who was Roy Williams and why did he return to Hopkinsville?
2) Roy visited many countries with his orchestra. What was the life of people like there?
3) Who was the first person Roy met on the platform?
4) What struck Roy? What were his first feelings?
5) Describe Roy’s home-coming concert at the Negro church.
6) What was Roy thinking about while playing?
7) Whom did he notice in the first row?
8) What did Roy and Miss Reese speak about after the concert?
9) Where did Miss Reese invite Roy and what was the pupils’ impression of Roy’s visit?
10) Describe Roy’s state of health.
11) What did Roy remember walking along the streets one night?
12) What happened that night?

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