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Functions of the Infinitive

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Grammar exercises on Verbals for the English department

Functions of the Infinitive


It was pleasant to observe the fresh flower in the room.
To live means to create.

Видеть свежие цветы в комнате было приятно.
Жить – значит творить.

a part of a compound verbal predicate

She began to speak.
She continued to work.
He tried to do it himself.

Она начала говорить.
Она продолжила говорить.
Он попытался сделать это сам.


My intention is to get there.

Моя цель – попасть туда.


He asked me to walk in

Он попросил меня зайти.


He was the first to enter the dining room.

Он первым вошел в столовую.

AMMdverbial modifier of

dverbial modifier of


too, enough, so …as

It was too dark to distinguish anything

Было слишком темно, чтобы что-нибудь разглядеть.


To pacify her, I held the window ajar a few seconds.

Чтобы успокоить ее, я на несколько секунд приоткрыла окно.


as if, as though

She nervously moved her hand towards his lips as if to stop him.

Она нервно протянула руку к его губам, как будто хотела остановить его.

attendant circumstances

She was driven away, never to revisit this neighbourhood.

Note: some grammarians say that in sentences of this type the infinitive performs the function of an adverbial modifier of result (consequence)

Она была вынуждена уехать и больше не вернулась в эти места

(to cut a long story short, to put it mildly, to say the least of it, to speak the truth, etc.)

He was rude, to say the least of it.

Он был груб, чтобы не сказать больше.

Exercise 4. State the function of the Infinitive. Translate into Russian.
1. To cut the story short, he is the very man you need. 2. To know all is to forgive all. 3. She leaned forward with kindled eyes as if to impress the word on the inspector. 4. To lie is not my custom. 5. It is a chance not to be missed. 6. So you’ve got nothing to reproach yourself with. 7. He was crazy enough to kill me if I hadn’t told him who owned the car. 8. The rain poured down his thick glasses, and he took them off to see the mournful ceremony. 9. He opened the book at the back cover and turned it around for me to see. 10 I wanted to go into the room where he lay and reassure him: “I’ll get somebody for you, Gatsby.” 11. I’ll telephone for a taxi to take you home. 12. I wanted to be alone. 13. Only the Negro and I were near enough to hear what he said. 14. Some workmen came past the door, and Michaelis took the opportunity to get away, intending to come back later. 15. At this point Jordan and I tried to go, but Tom and Gatsby insisted with firmness that we remain – as though neither of them had anything to conceal and it would be a privilege to partake vicariously of their emotions. 16. Frieda lowered her head, too pleased to answer. 17. When the war ended and the twins were ten years old, they too left school to work. 18. I never even had a cat to talk to.

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