Кұқық және мемлекет,
№ 3-4 (76-77), 2017
Zh. Alimanov,
A. Raikhanova: How to reduce corruption in the Republic of
Kazakhstan. Recommendations based on the anticorruption measures of other
countries and local context.
Nowadays, corruption is one of the most painful problems, which impedes economic,
social and legal development of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
The article reviews (1) current anticorruption legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan
(RK), (2) survey results of the opinion of the RK population, (3) RK’s court practice, and (4)
history of anticorruption measures of Georgia, Ukraine, Denmark and Singapore. The article
provides recommendations on the improvement of the RK anticorruption legislation.
Key words: corruption, fighting corruption, anticorruption legislation, court practice,
recommendations, effective measures, experience, Kazakhstan, RK, Georgia, Ukraine.
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