Реферат microsoft Azure Тексерген: Сарсимбаева С. М. Дайындаған: Наурызбаева М. Ж. Тобы: Кико201

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Storage services

  • Storage Services provides REST and SDKAPIs for storing and accessing data on the cloud.

  • Table Service lets programs store structured text in partitioned collections of entities that are accessed by partition key and primary key. It's a NoSQL non-relational database.

  • Blob Service allows programs to store unstructured text and binary data as blobs that can be accessed by an HTTP(S) path. Blob service also provides security mechanisms to control access to data.

  • Queue Service lets programs communicate asynchronously by message using queues.

  • File Service allows storing and access of data on the cloud using the REST APIs or the SMB protocol.

Data management

  • Azure Data Explorer provides big dataanalytics and data-exploration capabilities

  • Azure Search provides text search and a subset of OData's structured filters using REST or SDK APIs.

  • Cosmos DB is a NoSQL database service that implements a subset of the SQL SELECT statement on JSON documents.

  • Azure Cache for Redis is a managed implementation of Redis.

  • StorSimple manages storage tasks between on-premises devices and cloud storage.

  • SQL Database, formerly known as SQL AzureDatabase, works to create, scale and extend applications into the cloud using Microsoft SQL Server technology. It also integrates with Active Directory and Microsoft System Center and Hadoop.

  • Azure Synapse Analytics is a fully managed cloud data warehouse.

  • Azure Data Factory, is a data integration service that allows creation of data-driven workflows in the cloud for orchestrating and automating data movement and data transformation.

  • Azure Data Lake is a scalable data storage and analytic service for big data analytics workloads that require developers to run massively parallel queries.

  • Azure HDInsight is a big data relevant service, that deploys Hortonworks Hadoopon Microsoft Azure, and supports the creation of Hadoop clusters using Linux with Ubuntu.

  • Azure Stream Analytics is a Serverlessscalable event processing engine that enables users to develop and run real-time analytics on multiple streams of data from sources such as devices, sensors, web sites, social media, and other applications.

The Microsoft Azure Service Bus allows applications running on Azure premises or off-premises devices to communicate with Azure. This helps to build scalable and reliable applications in a service-oriented architecture(SOA). The Azure service bus supports four different types of communication mechanisms:

  • Event Hubs, which provide event and telemetry ingress to the cloud at massive scale, with low latency and high reliability. For example, an event hub can be used to track data from cell phones such as a GPS location coordinate in real time.

  • Queues, which allow one-directional communication. A sender application would send the message to the service bus queue, and a receiver would read from the queue. Though there can be multiple readers for the queue only one would process a single message.

  • Topics, which provide one-directional communication using a subscriber pattern. It is similar to a queue, however, each subscriber will receive a copy of the message sent to a Topic. Optionally the subscriber can filter out messages based on specific criteria defined by the subscriber.

  • Relays, which provide bi-directional communication. Unlike queues and topics, a relay doesn't store in-flight messages in its own memory. Instead, it just passes them on to the destination application.

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