Руководство для педагогов предшкольных групп и классов по Типовой учебной программе дошкольного воспитания и обучения

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Main part of 
the lesson 
15 minutes 
10 minutes 
Exercise 1. Listen and repeat. 
Play the audio and pay the learners’ attention to the 
new words they hear. Pause at each picture and mime 
the action.  Then play the audio again and make the 
learners repeat them.  
Track 14. 
Foxy, stand up. Wolfy, take your bag, please.  
Sit down, boys and girls. Open your book, please. 
Digger, close your book, please.  
Goodbye, boys and girls. 
For better memorizing of the new words, make the 
male learners do the actions as you say them. 
As a variation give different instructions for boys and 
girls, e.g.: Boys, stand up. Girls, stand up too. Boys 
take your books. Girls, sit down, etc.  
Exercise 2. Listen and point. 
Ask the learners to listen and point to the corresponding 
Track 15. 
1. Stand up.  
2. Sit down.  
3. Open your book. 
4. Take your pen. 
5. Close your book. 
Exercise 3. Listen and sing.  
Encourage the children to sing the song and to mime 
while singing. 


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