Тапсырма (Карточкаларда жазылған тапсырмаларды оқып есеп шығарамыз) «Children! Let’s do some tasks and sums».
Task 1. Lena lives on the fourth floor.
When she comes in, it takes her half a minute to get from one floor to the next. How long does it take her to climb the stairs to her flat?
Task 2. Some guests were invited to a house – warming .They arrived in three cars, four people in each. How many guests came to the house – warming?
Task 3. Oleg woke up at eight o’clock.’’Haven’t I overslept, Mummy?” he asked. “Is it time for us to leave for the puppet show?” “It’s still early, “Mummy said. “The puppet-show starts in three hours’ time.” “When are we leaving?” “We’ll leave the house an hour before the show begins.”When does the show begin? When will Oleg and Mummy leave home?
1) 2min
2) 12guests
3) at 11 o’clock, at 10 o’clock
Мысалдар. Тақтада жазылған есептерді ауызша шешеміз.
Well, and now, children, look at the board and do sums.
6+9= 20-7= 2×2= 18:2= 8+5= 11-8= 4×8= 15:3= 12+7= 16-5= 9×3= 14:7= 3
«Let’s remember the English poems with the numbers».
(Оқушылар өткен сабақтарда үйренген тақпақтарын оқып береді).
1 1 1: little dogs run,
2 2 2: cats see you,
3 3 3: birds in a tree,
4 4 4: rats on the floor.
5 5 5: planets in the sky,
6 6 6: two short sticks,
7 7 7: here is a raven.
8 8 8: a hen at the gate,
9 9 9|: the apple is very fine.
10 10 10: catch me, if you can.
One, two, three,
Look out for me, I am coming And I can see.
One, two, what must I do?
Three, four, close the door,
Five, six, look at the chicks.
Seven, eight, put the plate
Nine, ten, by our hen. I am eleven,
My sister is seven,
My mother is thirty,
My father is forty,
My granny is seventy-two.
How old are you?
How old is Ben?
He is 10.
How old is Kate?
She is 8.
Bilimland.kz \index.php\kz\ catalog\lesson\ 6926-003_what_s_your_name
Дене шынықтырамыз:
«Stand up, please!
Hands up!
Clap! Clap! Clap!
Hand down!
Shake! Shake! Shake!
Hands on hips!
Turn around!
Sit down, stand up!
One, two, three… hop!
One, two, three… stop!
Stand still! 5.
Лексика-грамматикалық оқу жаттығулары:
Bilimland.kz \index.php\kz\ catalog\lesson\ 6926-003_what_s_your_name
(Телефон нөмірлері жазылған карточкалар таратамыз. Оқушылар слайдқа қарап дұрыс жауабын көрсетеді).
The next task is to match the same telephone numbers.
521697 five nine three one eight four
524638 five two one six nine seven
557241 five six two nine seven six
593184 five five seven two four one
562976 five two four six three eight
585329 five seven eight four five three
Жұмбақ шешу.
And now let’s guess some riddles (слайд 6).
a. I have four legs, but I can’t walk (A table or a bed).
b. Two brothers but they don’t see each other (Eyes).
c. One face, two hands. It goes, yet stands (A clock).
d. Two mothers have five sons with one name. (Fingers and hands)
Ойын: «Мерген». (Оқушылар екі топқа бөлінеді. Әр топ кезек-кезек <>. Әр топқа карточкалар берілген. Қай топ жылдам және дұрыс тапса сол мерген болады, жеңіске жетеді).