Сабақтың тақырыбы: Ағылшын тілінің грамматикасы Сыныбы: 6 «а»

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Грамматикалық тақырыптар:
Зат есім
Сын есім
Етістіктің шақтары
Ырықсыз етіс
Test 1. The Noun (Зат есім)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.There are some ____near the bus
A) people
B) peoples
C) peopless 
2.The ... is full.
A) moons
B) moon
C) moones
3.The two ... live in that house.
A) ladys
B) lady
C) ladies
4.There are six ___in the line for the bus
A) man
B) men
C) mans
5.A dark ... is over London.
A) clouds
B) cloud
C) cloudes
6.I saw two ... in the street.
A) women
B) womans
C) woman
7.She put that singular ... to me.
A) question
B) questions
C) questiones
8.Islam has two___, Aibek and Murat
A) friends
B) friend
C) friendes
9.I have two ___
A) exercise-book
B) exercise-bookses
C) exercise-books
10.The names of Sasha’s ____are Rita and Helen.
A) sisters
B) sisterses
C) sister 
Test 2. The Possessive case. (Зат есімнің тәуелді септігі)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.Менің анамның денсаулығы
A) My mother's health
B) My mother health's
2.Жүргізушінің назары
A) The drivers’ attention
B) The driver's attention
3.Менің анамның есімі
A) My mother's name
B) My mother name's
4.Ағамның үйі
A) My brother’s house
B) My brothers’ house
5.Мұғалімнің лекциясы
A) The teacher’s lecture
B) The teachers lecture’s
6.Рафаэльдің есімі
A) Raphael's name
B) Raphaels name'
7.Қыздардың шашы
A) The girls's hair
B) The girls' hair
8.Керолдың асханасы
A) Carols’ kitchens
B) Carol’s kitchen
9.Балалардың ойыны
A) The children’s game
B) The childrens’ game
10.Жануарлардың мекені
A) The animals habitat’s
B) The animals’ habitat
Test 3. Gender.Зат есімдердің родқа бөлінуі 
Асты сызылған сөздерді есімдіктермен ауыстыр
1.Does Andrew go to school?
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
2.Mr.Evans thanked her.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
3.Miss Fairlie's dog always lies on the rug.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
4.The women left the room.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
5.Bob and Tom are Americans
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
6.I and my mother helped unhappy young woman.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
7.The food is delicious here.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
8.Do people kill red herring? 
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
9.My sister and I often watch TV
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
10.Her brother knows a few words.
A) he
B) she
C) it
D) we
E) they
Test 4. Indefinite article. (Белгісіздік артиклі)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.The girl cleaned ___large pan.
A) a
B) an
C) -
2.Would you like___orange?.
A) a
B) an
C) -
3.They received ___basket of eggs.
A) a
B) an
C) -
4.He always skates on ___Monday.
A) a
B) an
C) -
5.He made ___ long career.
A) a
B) an
C) -
6.There’s ___ good library in our school
A) a
B) an
C) -
7.She gave ___ right answer.
A) a
B) an
C) -
8.It was ___hard day.
A) a
B) an
C) -
9. There’s___ old clock in the living room.
A) a
B) an
C) -
10.Summer is ___ pleasant season.
A) a
B) an
C) – 
Test 5. Definite article (Белгілік артиклі)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.Wait in ___ hall, please.
A) the
B) -
2.There is ___ nobody in the house.
A) the
B) -
3.I see her for ___ first time.
A) the
B) -
4.___ table in the center was bright.
A) the
B) -
5.His birthday is on___ fifth of December.
A) the
B) -
6.This is a desk. ___ desk is new 
A) the
B) -
7.He was fond of ___ London.
A) the
B) -
8.On ___ opposite side stands a sofa.
A) the
B) -
9.He stopped me in ___ middle of the sentence.
A) the
B) -
10.There are no ___ children there.
A) the
B) –
Test 6. Definite and indefinite article. (Белгісіздік және белгілік артиклі)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.She had ___ small bag in her hand.
A) the
B) a
C) -
2.No ___ house was near.
A) the
B) a
C) -
3.She looked at ___ road.
A) the
B) a
C) -
4.I have ___ friend in London.
A) the
C) -
5.It is such ___ late hour.
A) the
B) a
C) -
6.She repeated ___ words again.
A) the
B) a
C) -
7.It is ___ Sunday.
A) the
B) a
C) -
8.___ question was strange.
A) the
B) a
C) -
9.It was ___ strange question.
A) the
B) a
C) -
10.There’s a lot of snow on___ ground.
A) the
B) a
C) – 
Test 7. Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives (Сын есімнің жай және салыстырмалы шырайы)
Дұрыс жауап таңда
1.The weather is ___than yesterday.
A) worse
B) bad
2.She is a year ___ than our darling Laura.
A) old
B) older
3.She is a ___ woman.
A) nice
B) micer
4.___ doors opened on to a terrace.
A) large
B) larger
5.She looks ___ in white than in anything else.
A) good
B) better
6.The days are ___in summer than in autumn.
A) longer
B) long
7.It is a ___ problem.
A) serious
B) more serious
8.Motor racing is a ____sport.
A) more dangerous
B) dangerous
9.I thought of my ___ mother.
A) kind
B) kinder
10.The weather is ___ than yesterday.
A) cold
B) colder

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