Сабақтың тақырыбы: Travelling. Means of travelling Сабақ түрі: саяхат сабағы Сабақ типі аралас

The next task is to have a rest. Rearrange the words to make sentences

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12. The next task is to have a rest. Rearrange the words to make sentences

  1. a bicycle – children – learn – most – to ride

Most children learn to ride a bicycle.

  1. many - not - on - people - Sundays – work

  1. on holiday – British people – a lot of – go to Spain

  1. can’t – coffee – drink – without sugar – people – some

  1. lot of – flying – like – people – a – don’t

  1. not many – understand – Japanese – European people – can

  1. enjoy – to tourists – most – in my town – people – talking

  1. drive – night – at – some – people – dangerously

you’ve also managed this level easily and now you can see some exhibitions

Silver hall. Exposure "Award to President - gratitude to people"

         The exposure of silver hall presents the collection of the awards, by which the first President of Kazakhstan was awarded in the different time and it is the first part of the exposure, dedicated to the recognition of N.A.Nazarbayev’s merits.

        "Sign of honour" - his first award, is got at 32, 1972. This award was given to people for the high production indices in industry, agriculture, building and other branches.
          For the salient contribution to development of friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Kazakhstan and other countries of the world N.A.Nazarbayev was honoured the highest awards of the Russian Federation - "Holy apostle Andrei first-called " order, Austria - "Big star of honour", Great Britain - "Big cross of the order of Holy Mikhail and Holy George" of the first degree, Poland - order of White Eagle, Kingdom Saudi Arabia - "Necklace of Uly Badra" and other.

14 Now students I want you to write a Sinkwain poem. You have 2 minutes to prepare it

  1. All right students, fill in the table, mark youself and comment you decision .

  2. Now please write down your hometask for the next lesson: write the composition “My dream is to travel to…” Today at the lesson we have talked about different means of travelling, revised the vocabulary of the theme, gave arguments for and against, discussed travelling and different means of travelling. You have taken an active part at the lesson and I hope you’ve got a lot of useful things. Thank you very much.

Mark the boxes that are right for you




Need more practice


I can form and use the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect and I know when to use them


I know the words and word expressions of the lesson

And I can use them in my speech


I can speak on the topic “Travelling”. Make conversation and discuss with people


I can read the information of such kind without dictionary


I can write about different means of travelling

New information

I get a lot of useful things about our country and our president. Ican discuss this theme

Easy – 2 points; good – 1,5 points;

difficult – 1 point; need more practice – 0,5points

13. Choose the correct words to go together
1 drive / ride a car


2 drive / ride a bicycle

3 travel with / by car
4 fly in / to Chicago
5 wait to / for a bus
6 get on / in a train
7 get off / out a train
8 walk to / in work
9 ride / take a train

рефлексия настроения и эмоционального состояния;

What emotions do you feel?

I feel

Сначала предлагаю высказывать свои мысли всем желающим, но постепенно в этот процесс включаются и остальные ребята.

На этапе чтения по методике Зайцева ребёнок должен осознавать, для чего он это делает.

7. Complete the sentences with the following words:

Prefer, travelling, hiking, expensive, development, tours, trip, cruise, voyag

1 The whole world is open for … .

2 We know that travelling by plane is very … .

3 … are not very expensive.

4 Many people … travelling by car .

5 Hiking is a great … for lovers of nature.

6 You’re looking pale. A … to the seaside will do you good.

7 The Italian … was really exciting. We visited a number of wonderful towns and then returned to Rome.

  1. I’d like to go on a sea … but my wife has never been a good sailor, so we can’t join you.

  1. Let’s play a game “Hidden cities” Find the name of the big cities, hidden in the sentences.

  1. Here is the draft of your letters. If you mark it “ok “ your secretary will type it.

  1. Those who were against the war saw that their voices were heard.

  1. To make underground water potable, scientists first used ammonia, then sand later on

  1. Can karate movies really make children aggressive?

  1. No slot machine is needed here.

  1. The idiom “on a par» is used to mean “equal”.

  1. Housekeepers usually prefer washing to not doing anything at all.

  1. A cobra battle against a mongoose often ends with the defeat of the former.

  1. If you use this kind of herb on noodles, the result will be fantastic.

  1. If you have an inflection in your colon, don’t eat fats or any other rich food.

  1. Here is the draft of your letters. If you mark it “ok “ your secretary will type it.

  1. Those who were against the war saw that their voices were heard.

  1. To make underground water potable, scientists first used ammonia, then sand later on

  1. Can karate movies really make children aggressive?

  1. No slot machine is needed here.

  1. The idiom “on a par» is used to mean “equal”.

  1. Housekeepers usually prefer washing to not doing anything at all.

  1. A cobra battle against a mongoose often ends with the defeat of the former.

  1. If you use this kind of herb on noodles, the result will be fantastic.

  1. If you have an inflection in your colon, don ’t eat fats or any other rich food.


Railway – railroad

Carriage – car

Passenger – commuter

A ticket inspector – a ticket collector

Charge – fare

Through train – direct train

Time-table – schedule

To depart – to leave

To pull out – to leave

Travel-journey, voyage, trip, tour

Means of travelling-methods of travelling

    1. Bus

    2. motorbike

    3. scooter

    4. bicycle

    5. car

    6. aero plane

    7. tram

    8. train

    9. underground

    10. taxi

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