Сборник II научно-практической международной студенческой конференции Narxoz Student Research-2021

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Narxoz Student Research-2021

achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in providing people with 

safely managed drinking water. 

More than a decade of insignifi cant capital investment, as well as 


  cient maintenance and operation of networks and infrastructure, 

has led to a signifi cant deterioration in networks’ performance. Service 

interruptions have become the norm rather than the exception.

Case study allowed to reveal the following problems:

1. technical: 

signifi cant deterioration and obsolescence of the water 

and sewerage infrastructure;


lack of local waste water treatment system 

for mandatory post-treatment of water supplied.

2. technological: 

secondary  pollution  of  drinking  water  due  to 

corrosion of steel pipes and mechanical damage;


high accidents rate on 

water supply networks.




underinvested  and  non-attractive-for-investment 

infrastructure  which  does  not  stimulate  water  saving  and  provide  a 

stable basis for the reproduction of the water supply system.

The main directions of water supply development in small towns are 

as follows: increasing the proportion of the population with access to 

centralized water supply and water metering on distribution networks;  

improving  the  quality  of  drinking  water;  reduction  of  normative  and 

excessive water losses; introduction of a transparent, cost-based pricing 

system  for  water  supply  services,  i.e.  switching  to  tariff s  that  fully 

reimburse the cost of services and create a tariff  investment component 

for all types of consumers. 

Changes in the provision of drinking water to the population will 

positively create satisfactory social and sanitary-epidemiological living 

conditions and have a positive impact on health of local population that 

are of great social, economic and environmental importance.


1. United Nations Water (UN-Water). International Decade for action 

“Water for life” 2005-2015. Water Scarcity. Available online: https://www.

un.org/waterforlifedecade/scarcity.shtml (accessed on 8 April, 2020)

2. Kabeer, N. “Leaving no one behind”: The challenge of intersecting 

inequalities. In World Social Science Report: Challenging Inequalities, 

Pathways to a Just World; UNESCO and The ISSC: Paris, France, 2016; 

Volume 1, pp. 55–58.


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