Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам

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Сборник заданий Республиканской олимпиады по общеобразовательным предметам


Write an answer to ONE of questions A-E. Write your answer in 200-220 words in an appropriate style.

  1. A magazine is running a competition for the best article entitled ‘I Was There'. Those entering have to write an article describing an historical event as if they had been present at it. Write an article for this competition, describing the event you have chosen and what your impressions would have been if you had witnessed it.

Write your article.

  1. A magazine is running a competition for the best article entitled ‘I Was There'. Those entering have to write an article describing an historical event as if they had been present at it. Write an article for this competition, describing the event you have chosen and what your impressions would have been if you had witnessed it.

Write your article.

  1. A TV listings magazine has invited readers to contribute a review of a television series that is or was particularly popular. Write a review, explaining why this programme is/was so popular in your opinion and commenting on whether you believe it deserves/deserved such popularity.

Write your review.

  1. You have recently become aware of the existence of a situation which you believe to be wrong or unjust and which you think should be dealt with by the authorities. Write a letter to a newspaper clearly describing that situation, explaining the problems it causes and saying what you believe should be done about it.

Write your letter.

  1. A magazine has been running a series of articles under the title ‘Pursuing a Dream’ in which successful people describe how they achieved their ambitions and the risks they had to take to do so. The magazine has now invited readers to contribute articles with the same title and you decide' to write one. Write your article, describing an ambition you have or had, the risks that you had to take or would have to take in order to achieve it and your attitude to taking risks in general.

Write your article.

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