Шаблон описания дисциплины (магистратура) iya(P) 202 – Иностранный язык (профессиональный) семестр 2018 года

Stolyarenko. Fundamentals of psychology. - M., 2000

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5. Stolyarenko. Fundamentals of psychology. - M., 2000.

9) Координатор: Кудышева Айныш Амангельдыевна, заведущий кафедрой «Психология и педагогика».

10) Использование компьютера: Interactive means of providing information are used in lectures to show presentations on the topics under consideration, as well as students provide independent work on electronic media in the form of essays, Power Point presentations, psychological analyzes, etc.

11) Лабораторные работы и проекты: not provided.

Преподаватель: Дата 13.03.2019

HPS 5201 History and Philosophy of Science

1 и 2 семестр 2018-2019 учебного года
1) Краткое содержание дисциплины

Subject of the course: discussion about problems of scientific phenomena as a subject of the special philosophical analysis, forms of knowledge about history and theory of science; development of science and structure of scientific knowledge; science as a profession and social institution; methods of introduction of scientific researches; role of science in the development of society.

Course objectives:

  • Revelation specifics and interconnections of the main problems, topics of the philosophy of science and history of science;

  • Revelation of consciousness of the science in its social and philosophical positions;

  • Clarification of the phenomena of science as a profession, social institution and productive force;

  • Revelation of disciplinary self identification of the natural, social and technical science as their community and difference.


3) Цель: Purpose of teaching the course

To study regularities and tendencies of development of the main activity according to scientific knowledge in its historical dynamics and considered in historical changeable social and cultural context.

4) Результаты обучения:

As a result of studying the discipline “History and Philosophy of Science” the master student should:


  • The nature, building, principles of the organization and functioning of the science;

  • The genesis and history of the science from the position of its models, images and styles of thinking;

  • Interconnection between scientific and philosophical thought;

  • Fundamental base and mechanism of the history and philosophy of science;

  • Production of knowledge, regularities of forming and development of scientific disciplines;

  • The main principles of the scientific and research activity.

Be able to:

  • To make and solve the problems which appear in the process of the scientific and research activity and which demand deep professional knowledge;

  • Choose necessary methods of research, modify existing and develop new methods from the concrete research;

  • Analyze the realities of the modern theory and practice on the basis of history and philosophy of science, methodology of natural scientific, social humanitarian and technical knowledge;

  • Apply methodological and methodical knowledge in scientific research, pedagogical work.

Be competent:

  • To make self scientific research and scientific pedagogical activity which need fundamental education in the relevant direction;

  • Discussion of the scientific papers, thesis, making speech at the conferences, round tables, discussions.

5) Содержание

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