Шетел тілдері кафедрасы

N o t e 2. The adjectives ill and well are not used attributively, but only as predicatives. Берілетін тапсырма

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прак грамматика

N o t e 2. The adjectives ill and well are not used attributively, but only as predicatives.

Берілетін тапсырма: to do exercises:
Пайдаланатын әдебиеттер:

  1. Качалова К.Н., Израилевич Е.Е. Практическая грамматика английского языка. М., 1996

  2. Бонк. Учебник английского языка.

  3. АВС. Матюшкина-Герке. М., 1998

  4. Grammar Spectrum. Mark Hurrison. London, 1994

  5. R.Murphy. Essential Grammar in Use (elementary,). Cambridge Univ., 1985

  6. R.Murphy. English Grammar in Use (intermediate). Cambridge Univ., 1985.

Кафедра меңгерушісі:
Шетел тілдері кафедрасы
Практикалық сабақ жоспары
Топ: __________
Пән: Практикалық грамматика
Күні: _________________
Оқытушы: Дүйсенбекова М.Л

Сабақтың тақырыбы: The Pronoun. Personal Pronoun. Possessive Pronoun
Сабақтың мақсаты: the main aim of the lesson is to develop speaking, writing skills; to study grammar structures, to use Pronouns in the sentences correctly, especially the Personal Pronoun and Possessive Pronoun.
Сабақтың міндеті:

  • to explain students about using grammar units and formal-content structures;

  • to develop knowledge skills to work out grammar information alone.

Сабақтың мазмұны: The pronoun is a part of speech including words with a very general, or relative meaning. It is used as a substitute of a noun or an adjective.
Pronouns indicate living beings, things and their qualities without naming or describing them. It is always clear from the context or the situation what person is denoted by the pronouns I, he, or she; or what thing or quality is denoted by the pronouns it or this.
Beings substitutes of other parts of speech pronouns are used very frequently and form a considerable part of any text or conversation, though as a class of words they are not numerous.
According to their meaning and syntactical functions pro­nouns are traditionally divided into noun-pronouns and adjective-pronouns.
Noun-pronouns substitute for nouns; their syntactical func­tions are similar to those of nouns.
I study. Tell me everything. Is that all?
Adjective-pronouns substitute, for adjectives; their syntac­tical functions are similar to those of adjectives: my family, all people.
Most pronouns have both noun and adjective functions.
Noun-pronouns Adjective-pronouns
Some are absent. Some students are absent.
What is this? What colour is this?
This is correct. This sentence is correct.
Some pronouns have the following grammatical categories:
(1) Case: personal pronouns and who.
(2) Number: this, that, other.
(3) Gender: he, she, it.
(4) Degrees of comparison: many, much, few, little.

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