Сөж орындаған: Әділбай Ардақ Серікқызы Тобы: хтов 23-11 Четверг 08: 30

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the person I admire

Алматы технологиялар университеті

Орындаған: Әділбай Ардақ Серікқызы
Тобы: ХТОВ 23-11 Четверг 08:30
Қабылдаған: Жансая Қайратовна
Тақырыбы: The person I admire

I think that for every person it is quiet useful to admire someone. But I do not mean when you like the way someone is dressed or looks. Actually I think that it is important to preserve one’s personality in everything. I mean that it is very good to look up to someone who possesses some positive qualities or has done something good and worthy. To my mind young people especially need such heroes.

The person I admire the most is coach Roza Ashiralieva. Rosa is known for instagram, tik tok.
The reason I admire her is because she always does movie reviews. She is a motivator. Always sets an example of a person's character. How to communicate with people. How to answer correctly? I advise she is a good psychologist. I was afraid to go to university. And now I realized if you want to do it, it's never too late.

why is she perfect? because she is a mentor, travels a lot, and always helps girls solve problems. Nowadays family life is the issue and there are many divorces. I think she helped a lot of people know their way. Thanks for listening to me

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