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Іnnovative techniques in teaching english at grass-roots level

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Іnnovative techniques in teaching english at grass-roots level

Ms. Khan Mahlaqa Afzal
Maulana Azad College of Arts (India)
Данная статья главным образом рассматривает приемы и методы обучения иностранному языку в многочисленных группах. эти методы основаны на формировании коммуникативной компетенции студентов и интегрировании языковых навыков в процессе обучения. что касается приемов, то они апробированы на занятиях английского языка в колледжах Индии, а также рассмотрены их положительные и отрицательные стороны эффективности их применения.
Берілген мақалада шет тілін әр түрлі топтарда оқытудың әдістері мен тәсілдері қарастырылады. Бұл әдістер студенттердің коммуникативті құзыреттілігін қалыптастыру мен оқыту барысында тілдік дағдыларды қолдануға негізделген. Тәсілдер Үнді елінің колледждерінде ағылшын тілі сабақтарында сынақтан өтіп, оларды қолданудың тиімді және тиімсіз жақтары қарастырылды.

Teachers of English as foreign language or secondary language face numbers of problems, such as large classes’ lack of appropriate material, books and technological equipments. It is widely known fact that teaching and learning a foreign language cannot reduced to the direct teaching of linguistic skills like phonology, morphology, vocabulary and syntax. The contemporary models of communicative competence show that there is much more to learn in a language. Teaching requires creativity, there are lots of different methods, strategies, and techniques that can be applied and brought into classroom Teacher needs effective, efficient and innovative techniques to help students in improving their language skills as well enjoy learning process and learn the target language. Any teaching technique or method include portfolio based instruction will not be fully successful if students are not engaged in the process. Techniques are closely related to methods and approaches:

Different theories about the nature of language and
how languages are learned (the approach) imply
different ways of teaching language (the method),
and different methods make use of different
kinds of activity (techniques).
(Longman dictionary of applied linguistics 1985)
The innovative techniques according to me are those which can be fun for students as well as teacher such as group work, project making activities and questioning. By using such activities students become more motivated and encouraged to learn, especially when materials and activities are interesting for students the learning process turn into spontaneous adoption of language. among all these the most important and effective in learning English language is group work, which helps students to overcome the barriers of being shy to share and speak in front of other, here student have chance to learn from each other as well improve their performance. In country like India we have the problem of TTT (Teacher talking time) many teacher teach standing at the front of the class and students sitting in row and listening. Teacher explain a new theme or a topic and after some explanation the students do some practice exercise or translation of text and they are assessed whether they have understood what they have been explain by teacher. Teacher does most of the talking throughout the lesson and only teacher is the most active person. This is against the language teaching. The more the teacher talk, the less the opportunity is there for students to learn. Some teacher are afraid of silence in their class so they prefer to speak and some teacher think that it is more useful for students to listen to teacher to learn language. Which is not at all true, this problem can be solve by group work
Technique no .1
Let me explain the technique of group work:
Suppose in the class you have 50 students you can divide them into 5, 6 or even 10 groups. After dividing the class into groups and if one group consist 5 members give each member one responsibility or role to perform or teacher can ask them to choose their leader, secretary monitor, and representative or speaker of the group. It is important to give them role to perform and have responsibility to carry the whole group work. The second step in group work is giving clear instructions about time and topic for example student you have 10 minutes to discuss your favourite city, you can discuss about
1. Which is your favourite city?
2. Why do you like it?
3. What are the three places you want to visit in your favourite city?
4. Can you buy anything special there?
After instructions ask group to start discussion ask leader to see weather discussion is going on right direction or not ask monitor to control and maintain the discipline in the group, secretary take all important points, while the discussion teacher must go to every group and help them in their discussion check whether they are really busy in discussion and assess them if it is necessary. After completion of time teacher have to give them the list of Adjective such as
1. Beautiful
2. Big / small
3. Cheap /expensive
4. Clean
5. Interesting
6. Safe
7. Relaxing
And ask them to write a paragraph in 10 minutes using adjectives. After 10 minutes secretary will write a Para using adjective with the help of group members and speaker of the group will present it. And for 5 groups it will take only 10 to 15 minutes. In group work teacher can teach all four skills listening,(to each other and to the instructions of teacher) speaking ( with each other under the supervision of teacher)reading( their notes and list of adjective) and writing( the paragraph about MY FAVOURITE CITY). And group work increases students talking time ( STT ) opportunities to use the target language to communicate with each other and develop the sense of co-operation , sense of progress and achievement from group work activities. Group work is good teaching technique because
· Give all student lots of practice time to use the language.
· Allows the quieter students to speak to group members, instead of speaking in front of whole class.
· Teaches students to help each other with their learning.
· Can improve motivation and students ‘ use of English’
· Allow students to talk about their own ideas, opinion and real life facts, so that they can develop real communication skills.
· Helps them to become more accurate and fluent in English.
· Varieties of groupings give students a change of working styles and learning experience.
Technique no .2
The second technique which can be use as a follow up of group work is project making activities which teacher can co relate with group work is project making task or activities
After learning about MY FAVOURITE CITY and listening to each other through group work, students will gets more and new ideas .now the students have suggested to prepare a project according to the theme, it can be individual work, pair work or even group work. The topic related to earlier topic can be my city, my favourite country, or my favourite holiday spot. Here teacher must give them clear instructions about what they suppose to make, the structure, the materials, given time and how they can make this project interesting. Questions foe such project can be;
1. What time of year you should go there?
2. What are three things you can do there?
3. Can you buy anything special?
4. What shouldn’t a visitor miss?
5. What shouldn’t people do?
Ask students to use pictures and while writing the project they have to use verbs such as should spend, can go, should visit, should try, shouldn’t miss and can see.
The student will have the clear purpose for their project work and they are energized motivated to work hard to improve their writing skill and they have freedom to create their own masterpieces. Throughout this process, the teacher is not only responder or evaluator but the students are also involved in responding of their classmates. In group work they will learn the meaning and use of adjective and in project work the focus will be on writing with the help of MODEL VERBS CAN AND SHOULD. There are many types of project that can be done in classroom they can be related to the real world and interesting current events and the more they will result in use of authentic verbal communication use to accomplish the task. This type of teaching required knowing about student’s needs and interests and applying that knowledge to activities and tasks. This lead student’s to realize that learning has a purpose and learning with purpose is bound to be exciting.
The another innovative technique, which i personally like the most and which cover all the four skills in learning English as a second language is Brainstorm
Technique no.3
In brainstorm, the students are given a single stimulus which serves as a clue for large number of responses. The stimulus may be a question with plenty of possible answers like what do you do when.......? , picture to be described, commented or ask about (describing picture or brief text that can be expanded in different ways or problem demanding diverse solutions.
The advantages of this technique are that it provides a large volume of productive language practice on the part of the learners relative to the contribution of the teacher and that it allows students to compose utterance at convenient level for them. It also encourages originality and humour, and many brainstorming activities interesting and amusing results. The wide range of possibilities are open to participants and the fact that many of them are original and entertaining means to tend to be motivated to contribute and activity usually move forward briskly, with a high ‘density’ of learners participation.
Brainstorming can be given as written work as well, in class or for homework assignments; or written and oral work can be combined, as when learners are asked first to note down all the ideas they can think of and then to share them. Teacher can ask what do you think when i say MY SCHOOL; they may say beautiful building, big class rooms, friends, teachers, play ground, favourite subjects, or even timing of the school.
Ask them to arrange all the points and write a paragraph about my school, this activity can be done as individual or pair works instead of in the full class.
While using techniques teacher of English language must have some guidelines such as
· What level of learner is this suitable for?
· How suitable is this activity in terms of age and experience?
· What are the learning outcomes of this activity?
· What are the stages and tasks design for this activity?
· Does the teacher need to pre teach some vocabulary or other language items before the students can do this activity successfully?

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