Тесты для ига кафедра патологическая анатомия с курсом судебной медицины Страница из

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Кафедра патологическая анатомия с курсом судебной медицины

Тесты для ИГА

Кафедра патологическая анатомия с курсом судебной медицины

Страница из

2023-2024 г

*General and somatic pathology *1*5*1

*!What is the most common cause of myocardial fatty degeneration?


*!What is related to stromal vascular dysproteinosis?
*mucoid swelling
* decomposition
* denaturation

*!What is stromal vascular dysproteinosis called?
* decomposition
* denaturation

*! What histochemical staining is used to identify fat?

* picrofuxin by van Gieson
* Sudan-3
* Congo- mouth
* Carmine Best
* hemotoxylin eosin

*! What histochemical stain is used to detect glycogen?

* picrofuxin by van Gieson
* Sudan-3
* Congo- mouth
* carmine Best
* hemotoxylin eosin
*General and somatic pathology *2*15*4
*!What is the name of a violation of tissue metabolism, with structural changes?



*!What is the name of dystrophy accompanied by metabolic disorders in the cytoplasm of the cell?

*parenchymal dystrophy

*stromal vascular dystrophy
*mixed dystrophy
*mineral dystrophy
*general dystrophy

*! What is the name of dystrophy accompanied by metabolic disorders in the parenchyma and in the stroma of organs?

*parenchymal dystrophy

* stromal vascular dystrophy
*mixed dystrophy
* mineral dystrophy
* general dystrophy

*! What is the name of dystrophy accompanied by metabolic disorders in the stroma of organs?

*parenchymal dystrophy

* stromal vascular dystrophy
*mixed dystrophy
* mineral dystrophy
* general dystrophy

*!What is the mechanism of dystrophy that develops with excessive penetration of metabolic products from blood and lymph into cells or intercellular matter?


* perverted synthesis
* decomposition
* denaturation

*! What is the mechanism of dystrophy that develops when the ultrastructures of cells and intercellular matter disintegrate?


*perverted synthesis
* decomposition
* denaturation

*! What mechanism of dystrophy develops during the synthesis of substances in cells or tissues that are not normally found in them?


*perverted synthesis
* decomposition
* denaturation

*! What mechanism of dystrophy develops with the formation of products of the same type of metabolism from common starting products?

* decomposition

* denaturation
*perverted synthesis

*!What is the name of the superficial and reversible disorganization of connective tissue?


* hyalinosis
* mucoid swelling
*fibrinoid swelling

*!What is the name of deep and irreversible disorganization of connective tissue?


* hyalinosis
* mucoid swelling
*fibrinoid swelling

*!What is the name of the type of dystrophy in which the connective tissue forms homogeneous translucent dense masses?


* hyalinosis
* mucoid swelling
*fibrinoid swelling

*!What is the name of the process of increasing blood filling of a tissue, organ due to an increase in blood flow?

*arterial hyperemia

*venous hyperemia
*heart attack

*! What is the name of the process of increasing the blood supply of an organ due to a decrease in blood outflow?

*arterial hyperemia

*venous hyperemia
*heart attack

*! What kind of hyperemia develops due to obstruction of blood flow through the arterial trunk?


* vacant

*! What kind of hyperemia develops due to a decrease in barometric pressure?


* vacant

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