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Simple Input/ Output System using Sound Transducers

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Simple Input/ Output System using Sound Transducers

There are many different types of transducers available in the marketplace, and the choice of which one to use really depends upon the quantity being measured or controlled.
Input type transducers or sensors, produce a proportional output voltage or signal in response to changes in the quantity that they are measuring (the stimulus) and the type or amount of the output signal depends upon the type of sensor being used. Generally, all types of sensors can be classed as two kinds, passive and active.
Active sensors require some form of external power to operate, called an excitation signal which is used by the sensor to produce the output signal. Active sensors are self-generating devices because their own properties change in response to an external effect and produce an output voltage, for example, 1 to 10v DC or an output current such as 4 to 20mA DC. For example, a strain gauge is a pressure-sensitive resistor. It does not generate any electrical signal, but by passing a current

through it (excitation signal), its resistance can be measured by detecting variations in the current and/or voltage across it relating these changes to the amount of strain or force.

Unlike the active sensor, a passive sensor does not need any additional energy source and directly generates an electric signal in response to an external stimulus. For example, a thermocouple or photodiode. Passive sensors are direct sensors which change their physical properties, such as resistance, capacitance or inductance etc. As well as analogue sensors, Digital Sensors produce a discrete output representing a binary number or digit such as a logic level "0" or a logic level "1".
Analogue Sensors produce a continuous output signal or voltage which is generally proportional to the quantity being measured. Physical quantities such as Temperature, Speed, Pressure, Displacement, Strain etc. are all analogue quantities as they tend to be continuous in nature. For example, the temperature of a liquid can be measured using a thermometer or thermocouple which continuously responds to temperature changes as the liquid is heated up or cooled down.

  1. Translate the word combinations:

To convert energy of one kind into energy of another kind; unlike the active sensor; a pressure-sensitive resistor; physical properties; the amount of strain; an external stimulus; excitation signal; an output function; a wide range of different energy forms; a single light.

  1. Arrange the following words in pairs of antonyms:

a number of on the other hand
out-of-date regarding
result in some
regardless up-to-date
on the one hand result from

  1. Define the parts of speech of the following words; translate them into Russian:

To differ – different – indifferent – difference; long – length – to lengthen; to apply – application – applicable – appliance; efficient – inefficient – efficiency; to divide – division – divisible – indivisible; to vary – variety – various – variable – invariable; to transform – transformer – transformation; to convert – converter – conversion – convertible; machine – to machine – machinery – machinable

  1. Form the gerund choosing the following verbs:

To convert; to create; to utilize; to move; to run

  1. The idea of (использования) the energy of oceans is not new, but tidal stations are still few. 2) Recently scientists have succeeded in (создать) a few kinds of generators for (превращения) heat directly into light. 3) This machine tool is capable of (работать) at very high speeds.

4) In fact, (превращение) conventional kinds of fuels into electricity is not economic enough. 5) Upon being heated the molecules begin (двигаться) very rapidly.

  1. Translate into Russian paying attention to the function and the form of gerund:

1) These pieces of metal can’t be used in the process without being hammered into thin sheets. 2) The investigator mentioned his having tested this material for strength. 3) Strengthening metals means reinforcing them with artificial fibers. 4) Their being reinforced with artificial fibers makes them more corrosion resistant. 5) Without having improved the properties of this alloy we couldn’t use it in the production process. 6) Using atomic fuel for the production of electricity is one of the most promising sources of energy. 7) Atomic fuel has great possibilities. Its being used for the direct production of electricity is one of the most promising. 8) Much effort is being given to find the most efficient means of generating electricity. 9) After the young scientist’s report having been discussed at the conference it was published in a scientific journal. 10) Sometimes we speak of applying a still broader definition of communication including the influence of one mechanism upon another mechanism. 11) Our having mastered a foreign language helps us in our work.

  1. Define the group of subject:

1) Testing engines should be carried out on a special stand.
2) The increasing pressure was measured precisely.
3) The metals to be strengthened are subjected to special operations.
4) The pressure increased was measured precisely.
5) To operate new flexible line became possible thanks to computers.

  1. Define the group of the predicate:

1) Scientists are doing their best to find more efficient ways of utilizing solar energy.
2) The task of the computer is to operate the whole line properly.
3) When transported gases are compressed into strong cylinders.
4) While discussing the design the engineers suggested a few improvements.

  1. Translate the texts into Russian without a dictionary and write down the main idea of each following texts:

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