«Тұрақты даму мақсатындағы халықаралық журналистиканы оқыту модельдері»

Vartanova E.L., Tolokonnikova A.V., Cherevko T.S. (2014). The information security of children: Self-regulatory approaches. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 7(3), 136-145

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10. Vartanova E.L., Tolokonnikova A.V., Cherevko T.S. (2014). The information security of children: Self-regulatory approaches. Psychology in Russia: State of the Art, 7(3), 136-145.

11. TNS Gallup Media Asia Research Company (2004). Accessed athttp://www.tns-global.kz/ru
12. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazakhstan_2050_Strategy
13. TNS Web Indexhttp://forbes.kz/stats/internet-auditoriya_kazahstana_portret_i_predpochteniya_polzovatelya/
14. TNS Gallup Media Asia Research Company (2004). Accessed athttp://www.tns-global.kz/ru
15. http://kzcontent.kz/index.php/eng/
16. TNS Gallup Media Asia Research Company (2004). Accessed athttp://www.tns-global.kz/ru
17. Simeon Djankov, CaraleeMcLiesh and etc., (2003).

Gubasheva D.T.,
candidate of Philology, associate professor
of Department UNESCO, International Journalism and media in society
Kaznu named of Al-Farabi

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