Two million tons 3/5 tons: Three fifth tons 53,75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons Команда корабля The ship's crew На странице 305 on page three hundred and five «Can you come tomorrow? «He asked next day If I could come «I liked John Wayne in this

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    Бұл бет үшін навигация:
  • Clearly
C) told me that ... said that

Martha .... she would be late for the meeting. She ..... She was feeling ill.(told me that ...... said that)

Mary asks her sister: «Do you like English?»(Mary asks her sister if she likes English)

Mary doesn’t speak very ... . I often have trouble understanding her.B) clearly

Mary doesn’t speak very ..... .I often have trouble understanding her. Clearly

Mary has never been to London, ______she? hasn’t

Mary went to the skating rink two hours ago ... has been skating ever.....A) and ... since

May the writer critisize …praise the actions of some public officials ? (or;)

Meanwhile in the village most people  … …to go skiing. ( were preparing; )

Mike .... that his little brother is a very hard-working boy.(says)

Mike plays volleyball well; , but not as well as Mike..his brother also plays football

Montanelli entered the room where Arthur____ for him at the supper table.was waiting

Most of the old New Year customs take place in Scotland ,beginning with «first-footing”,in which the first person to enter the house in the New Year must be....

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