Two million tons 3/5 tons: Three fifth tons 53,75 тонны fifty-three point seven five tons Команда корабля The ship's crew На странице 305 on page three hundred and five «Can you come tomorrow? «He asked next day If I could come «I liked John Wayne in this

had read He realized that the old life he …in that city since his boyhood was ended had lived

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had read

He realized that the old life he …in that city since his boyhood was ended had lived

He speaks as if he … …London himself had visited

He splite ----- with his girlfriend last week. Over

He thought that the professor .... from the University in 1944. Had graduated

He took care_____the flowers______the garden.After / in.

He wanted to find out how long the man would stay with them. What____did he want to find out?

He wanted to know which bus … she should take

He was received with respect ... he felt awkward. nevertheless

he was____in a queue..the second

He will return from London in June; his sister.....there another month. will stay

He won’t know what to do ... he listens carefully.A unless

He wondered if she … the article by noon would have translated

He wouldn’t have come back if you___him.

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