В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

To be read after Unit VII
To be read after Unit VII
Прочтите текст и выполните последующее задание.
The Job of Management
Every manager – from the chief executive to the first-line 
supervisor – can profit from the body of management knowledge. 
The top man can increase his company’s chances of success. For the 
middle manager, management know-how will make the job easier, 
and will very likely increase his chances of promotion.

Greater management know-how will:
1. Lead to better performance by enabling the manager to 
increase the output and quality of the work group.
2. Help the manager better understand the objectives and 
functions of the company as a whole. As a result he will be more 
able to «talk the language» of higher managers, and again a better 
hearing for his recommendations and suggestions.
3. Promote a better understanding of the way in which the 
manager’s group fits in with other groups, make him a more 
effective team worker, and one whom other managers will respect 
and like to work with.
 Переведите текст на русский язык.
To be read after Unit VII
To be read after Unit VII
Прочтите текст и выполните последующие задания.
Management: Functions
For most of us organizations are an important part of our daily 
lives. By organization, we mean two or more persons engaged in 
a systematic effort to produce goods or services. We all deal with 
organizations when we attend classes, deposit money at the bank, 
buy clothing, and attend a movie. We are also influenced by orga-
nizations more indirectly through the products that we use.
What is management?
Management is the process of achieving organizational goals 
through engaging in the four major functions of planning, organiz-
ing, leading, and controlling. This definition recognizes that man-
agement is an ongoing activity, entails reaching important goals, 
and involves knowing how to perform the four major functions of 

Planning is the management function that involves setting 
goals and deciding how best to achieve them. This function also 
includes considering what must be done to encourage necessary 
levels of change and innovation.
Organizing is the management function that focuses on al-
locating and arranging human and nonhuman resources so that 
plans can be carried out successfully. It is through the organizing 
function that managers determine which tasks are to be done, tasks 
can be combined into specific jobs, and how jobs can be grouped 
into various units that make up the structure of the organization. 
Staffing jobs with individuals who can successfully carry out plans 
is also part of the organizing function.
Leading is the management function that involves influenc-
ing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach 
organizational goals. Leading includes communicating with others, 
helping to outline a vision of what can be accomplished, providing 
direction, and motivating organization members to put forth the 
substantial effort required.
Controlling is the management function that is aimed regulat-
ing organizational activities so that actual performance conforms to 
expected organizational standards and goals. To do the necessary 
regulating, managers need to monitor ongoing activities, compare 
the results with expected standards or progress toward goals, and 
take corrective action as needed.

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