В. А. Шляхова, О. Н. Герасина, Ю. А. Герасина английский язык для экономистов english for economists

Задание.  Переведите на русский язык абзацы 1, 2, 3. TEXT XII

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Шляхова В.А. Английский язык для экономистов

Переведите на русский язык абзацы 1, 2, 3.
To be read after Unit XI
To be read after Unit XI
Прочтите текст и выполните последующее задание.
Banking System in Russia
The main law for the banking system is the Federal Law «On 
the Central Bank of Russia», which declared the Bank of Russia a 
legal entity and the main bank in Russia.
The law specified the functions of the bank in organizing mon-
ey circulation, monetary regulation, foreign economic activity, and 
regulation of the activities of joint-stock and co-operative banks.
The Central Bank of Russia (CBR) enjoys independent status. 
The CBR has 79 regional branches and National Banks in Russia.
The Chairman of the Central Bank is appointed by the Presi-
dent of the Russian Federation and approved by the Parliament. 
The Central Bank owns controlling stakes in Sberbank, also used to 
conduct monetary policy. There are over 1,400 banks in Russia. The 
state-owned Sberbank has a significant competitive advantage over 
other banks due to its size and extensive branch network – more 
than one thousand branches throughout the country.
As a result, Sberbank dominates the Russian banking sector 
with a market share over 50% of private deposits.
Other Russian banks joined in with large, vertically-integrated 
holdings, which have been active in acquiring industrial enter-
 Найдите в тексте ответы на вопросы.
1. What is the main law for the banking system in Russia?
2. What are the functions of the bank?
3. What status has the Central Bank of Russia?

4. How many branches has the Central Bank?
5. Who appoints the Chairman of the Central Bank ?
6. How many banks are there in Russia?
7. What can you tell us about Sberbank?

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