Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

ancient adj finance n piece n
astonish υ flood n possibility n
built-up adj historic adj pound n
circle n historical adj puzzle υ
circular adj human adj sea level
circulation n humanity n settlement n
coin n (the) Humanities slice n
commerce n lump n stretch υ
currency n mankind n strike υ
double-decker n masterpiece n striking adj
entertainment n Parliament n traffic n
exhibit υ parliamentary adj worth n, adj
worthy adj
Word Combinations
to break to pieces to go on a tour to turn smth. into smth.
a panorama (view) of to have a possibility for to be a surprise to
to stand for smth. to strike a match to be worthy of smth.
to strike a blow a piece of advice to go on strike
fine and applied arts to be a surprise to smb. to take a trip
Proper Names
Roman the Victoria and Albeit Museum
the Thames Constable
Londinium the Natural History Museum
Westminster the Science Museum
Whitehall the Museum of London
Downing Street Hyde Park
Fleet Street the Serpentine
St. Paul's Cathedral Marble Arch
South Kensington Kensington Gardens
Regent's Park

1. Read the text and talk as the following points (A. Grammar, B. Word usage, С. Word-formation):

A. 1. What tense group is mainly used in the text and why?
2. Find passive voice constructions and translate the sentences with them.
B. Translate the sentences beginning with just as ... so into Russian.
C. Search the text for compounds, comment on their structure. Find derivatives with the suffixes -ment, -er, -ly and classify them according to the category of speech.

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