Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

to make up one's mind = to decide
make-up n грим, косметика, е.g. Why should you spoil your pretty face with all this make-up? The woman uses too much make-up (...слишком сильно красится).
6. hold (held, held) υt/i 1, держать, е.g. She was holding a red rose in her hand.
to hold on to smth. держаться за что-л., е.g. Holding on to a branch, he climbed a little higher. Hold on to the rail­ing, it's slippery here.
to hold a meeting проводить собрание, е.g. A students' meeting was held in our department yesterday.
2. вмещать, содержать в себе, е.g. How many people will this lecture-hall hold?
3. держаться (о погоде), е.g. Will this weather hold?
hold n
to catch (get) hold of smth. ухватиться за что-л., схва­тить что-л., завладеть чём-n., е.g. Не nearly fell down, but managed to catch hold of his companion's arm. The child got hold of a bright flower.
to keep hold of smth. удерживать, не выпускать, е.g. With every minute it became harder and harder to keep hold of the slippery ropes.
to lose hold of smth. выпустить (из рук), е.g. It wasn't her nature to lose hold of anything she had got hold of.
7. entertain υt/i 1. принимать гостей (rather formal), е.g. We are entertaining a lot.; 2. развлекать, занимать, е.g. We were all entertained by his tricks.
entertaining adj развлекательный, занимательный, е.g. The conversation was far from entertaining. In fact, it was horribly dull.
Syn. amusing
entertainment n развлечение, зрелище, представление, е.g. There are many places of entertainment in any big city.
anxiety n attendant n imitate υ anxious adj
audience n make υ anxiously adv entertain υ
make-up n attend υ entertainment n wear υ
attendance n hold υ, n wings n, pl wipe υ
Word Combinations
to make (a) noise a long way from
to lead the way (to) to lose one's (the) way
to look about oneself to be (get) out of the way
about (of) smb.'s age to have one's (own) way
members of the orchestra to catch hold of smth.
anxious (worried) about smth. to keep hold of smth.
to make jokes to lose hold of smth.
to make oneself at home to hold a meeting
to make up smth. to hold on to smth.
to make one's way

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