Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

appendicitis n insomnia n
attack (of smth.) n prescription n
case (of a disease) n recover (from a disease) υ
cholera n remedy n
complication n scarlet fever n
cough υ, n sneeze о
cure of υ sore (throat, eye, finger, etc.) adj
cure for n surgery n
die of υ symptom n
diphthertia n tonic n
disease n treat υ (smb. for a disease)
indigestion n treatment (for smth.) n
injection n typhoid fever n
Word Combinations
to feel smb.'s (one's) pulse to write out a prescription (for pills, etc.)
to go to a chemist's (drugstore) to follow the doctor's directions
to catch (a) cold to have an accident
to be short of breath to examine a patient (smb.'s throat etc.)
to breathe in deeply to consult (see) a doctor
to have a nervous breakdown to keep to a diet (of ...); to be on (go on), follow a diet
to have a prescription (medicine, mixture, tonic, etc.) made up
to take medicine (a spoonful of, etc.)
to be wrong with (one's heart, lungs, etc.); to have smth. wrong with
to be taken ill (to fall ill) with to be laid up with
to feel sick (and giddy) to fill smb.'s tooth
to have one's tooth filled, to have a filling
to pull (take) out a tooth = to have an extraction
to have one's tooth pulled out (taken out), extracted
to be (have one's teeth, chest, heart, etc.) X-rayed
to test smb.'s blood to have one's blood tested
to test smb.'s blood pressure to have one's blood pressure tested
to have, get (give) an injection (a needle)
to have a heart attack
to check smb.'s heart, lungs, etc.; to sound smb.'s heart, lungs, etc.
to be on sick leave; to get sick leave
to make an appointment with a doctor
He was taken to hospital and operated on (underwent an operation) for appendicitis.
After I've had some injections of tonic I feel quite cured of all my ailments.
The child is ill (laid up) with chicken pox (ветрянка). He'll soon recover if no complications set in.
Smallpox (оспа) is a catching (заразная) disease marked by fever and small red spots on the body and often leaves permanent marks.
I've been on sick leave for a fortnight already, but I don't feel any better so far.
The doctor diagnosed the illness as tuberculosis (t. b.).
A doctor who performs (carries out) operations is called a surgeon. Nowadays operations may be performed almost on any part of the body.
When people have pain in their teeth they go to a dentist to have the holes in their teeth filled (stopped). When necessary they may have their teeth taken (pulled) out.
People who are treated in health centres (policlinics) are called out-patients, those who stay in hospital are called inpatients.
Something is wrong with my legs: all my joints ache and when I bend my knee it hurts me.
The old man's sight is getting dim (слабеет), his eyes are sore, swollen and itching.
N o t e: Don't say "He wrote me a prescription out"; but "He wrote out a prescription for me".

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