Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс

picture theatre (colloq.): a cinema

76 turns: (here) actors taking part in the programme. Turn — a short per­formance on the stage of a music-hall or a variety theatre (номер програм­мы). The programme of a variety perfomance usually consists of various turns.

77 little people: (here) fairies, elves, and gnomes of folklore

78 i. e. buildings meant for the performance of plays by professional com­panies.

79 In England (including London) only a few theatres have their own per­manent company (they are called repertory theatres). Theatrical companies are usually formed for a season, sometimes staging only one play for either a long or a short run, their managements having previously rented a theatre for them to perform in (the so-called non-repertory theatres).

80 The part of the theatre which has a stage and seats for the audience is called auditorium or house (also: theatre-house).
The long rows of chairs situated on the ground floor of the auditorium in. front of the stage are called the stalls (front rows) and the pit (back rows).
The stalls and the pit are surrounded by boxes. There are also some balconies encircling the auditorium on three sides. The lowest of them (coming immediately above the boxes) is called the dress-circle and the highest (somewhere near the ceiling of the house) is known as the gallery.
In most theatres the seats for the audience are separated from the stage by the orchestra-pit. In some theatres, however, there is no orchestra-pit, and the musicians are placed behind the scenes (back-stage). The sides of the stage and the scenery placed there are called wings.

81 It takes quite a number of people to put on a play. The treatment of a play, the style of the production, the training of the performers depend on the director (also called by some people producer in Great Britain). The stage-manager is the person in charge of the technical part of the production of a play. There are also make-up artists, people who make the costumes, those who design the props and scenery, and finally, stage hands.
The actors taking part in the play are called the cast (cf. the Russian «состав исполнителей»).

82 The tests of the stories and dialogues recorded on the tape see on p. 426.

83 The High Rise and the High Head + the High Rise belong to the same pattern since they have no difference in attitudes.

84 Before studying modal verbs the students must learn all the forms of the infinitive.

85 Subordinate clauses with that .„ should can be used as an alternative to the more usual infinitive constructions: They decided that the strike should continue, instead of They decided to continue the strike. See: "A Practical English Grammar for Foreign Students" by A. J. Thomson and A. V. Martinet, Lnd., 1964, p. 174-175.

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