Байланысты: Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)
IV. Try your hand at teaching.
(Look up the words and phrases you may need to do the task in "Classroom English", Sections IV, VIII.)
A. Preparation. a) Pick out from the text and from the introduction to it words with the letter с in them. Divide a sheet of paper into ten columns with the following letters at the top of each column: 1) с+е, 2) c + i, 3) c + a, 4) c + o, 5) c+u, 6) c+a consonant, 7) с in the ending -ic, 8) c + h = [tf],9) c+h= [k], 10) c+k=[k].
Classify the words under each heading.
b) Make up your own list of words to illustrate the same rules.
B. Work in Class. a) Show the table with 10 columns to your fellow-students and explain how с should be pronounced in each case.
b) Dictate the words from your list to the students and ask one of them to spell them on the blackboard. Correct the mistakes.