Владимира Дмитриевича Аракина одного из замечательных лингвистов России

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Аракин В.Д. Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс (7-е издание, 2008)

Some popular games
Open-air games
badminton n net-ball n56
basket-ball n rugby n (colloq. rugger)
cricket n (lawn) tennis n
football n (colloq. soccer) volley-ball n
golf n water polo
hockey n
Indoor games
chess n squash n
draughts n table-tennis n
Sports Terms
amateur (professional) sport cup (final, semi-final) match
indoor (outdoor or open-air) sports championship n, е.g. national
football championship sport n
compete v sports n = events
competition n, е.g. inter- sports adj, е.g. sports jacket
college cup competition (shirt)
con'test v sporting adj
'contest n, е.g. world gym nastics tournament n
contest (rivalry in singing, beauty)
crew n (used for sportsmen opponent (rival) n
rowing or sailing a boat) sportsman (athlete) n
national (Olympic, college) sportswoman n team
official (umpire, referee, judge) n
fan (colloq.) n, е.g. a foot- spectator n
ball fan sports enthusiast
shout for v support v
Scoring system
best (record, fastest) time point n, е.g. How many
defeat v points have they won?
draw n, е.g. The match runner-up n
ended in a draw. score n, е.g. The score of the
draw v, е.g. The two teams drew. game was 6:4 (six to four).
goal n score v, е.g. He scored
lose v 20 points. Neither side
loser n scored in the game (нe
victory n забила гол).
Competition sites and sports equipment
barbell n net n
beam n play-ground n
chessboard n puck n
chessman n racket n
club (stick) n rings n
discus n ski jump
draughtsman n sports hall
gym n boxing gloves
javelin n trampoline (батут) n
jumping (spring) board uneven (parallel), asymmetric bars
Word Combinations
athletic training to win the team (personal,
to follow a tournament national, world) champion-
(competition, etc.) ship
to kick the ball to win by 2 (3, etc.) goals
to score a goal (20 points) (points)
to keep the score to win with the score 4 to 0
to end a game in a draw in smb.'s favour
(to draw a game) to set up (break) a record
to win a prize (a cup, the record holder
victory) the world (national, European) record

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