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Сборник 3конф (1)

Adabiyotlar ro’yxati
J. Milnor. Analitic proof of the hairy ball theorem and the Brouwer
fixed point theorem. Am. Math. Mon., 85, 521-524.
Н. Дилмуродов. Кўпхилликларда математик анализ. Қарши, 2003.
Ж.-П. Обен, И. Экланд. Прикладной нестандартный анализ. М.: 
V.A.Trenogin:,,Funksionalniy analiz’’.-M.:Nauka,1980. 
Колмогоров А. Н., Фомин С. В. Элементы теории функций и 
функционального анализа, 5 изд., М., 1981 
Since the independence of Uzbekistan, our country has developed significantly 
in a short period of time. The independence gave the opportunity to spread the 
improvement to every field in our country, not only quantitatively but also 
qualitatively. The changes and facilities which are put into practice can be seen in 
educational, economic, political, agricultural and social spheres. Nowadays it is 
leading us to the greatest achievements and victories. The first president of 
Uzbekistan Islam Karimov started to transfer the system of education from the old 
system to the new and modern one which is spread around the world. He put the aim 
to distribute the youth of our country with a higher and up-to-date educational system 
and modern buildings that are supplied with all conveniences. From the initial days of 
our independence, in order to give proper education and to see the goals while 
teaching process, a new educational system was established which was concentrated 
on firstly dividing the learners into the right class forms,for instance, pre-school 
education, primary school education, secondary school education, secondary 
specialized and professional education and higher education. 
Nowadays teaching and learning foreign languages is getting more and more 
essential, and the newest and up-to-date methods, technologies and ways are being 
found in order to achieve the goals. One of the most common learned languages is the 
English language. The reason is that it is considered as world language. Teaching 
English properly and accurately is very important task of every teacher. The teacher 
should utilize the most effective, interesting and professional methods and 

approaches in order to make the eagerness to study between learners. Different ways 
and approaches are usually chosen according to the level and ages of learners. Some 
of them are suitable for all levels of learners. One of them is the role-play. What does 
the concept of role-play mean? Teachers can utilize role-plays as very successful 
tools during classes. Teachers ought to remember about integrating such speaking 
activities to reverberate pupils’ theoretical knowledge of a language in daily 
practicessince they help to achieve primary goals to increase learners’ interaction in 
the classroom. Role-plays are usually used in the classroom like the motivation to 
students which gives simulation both social and intellectual. There is not any exact 
definition of roleplay, and several professors see them in various ways. One of the 
accurate definitions is given by Porter-Ladousse in 1987. Porter Ladousse said that 
role-play activities extend from extremely-governed leaded conversations, to 
extemporized drama activities, and from easy practiced dialogue action, to 
exceedingly compound modeled scenarios.2Giving such definition he puts much 
emphasis to the number of role-play activities. Such kind of speaking activity can be 
restricted by time and helped by the cues which are prepared. Mostly in role-plays 
students do more improvisation than retelling learned dialogue or conversations. 
Porter Ladousse also indicates that role-play may be different in complication, and 
some playing might be very brief and simple, while on the contrary some speeches 
may be very structured and complex. So the difficulty of each activity relies on the 
level of the language. 3 Role-play is an effectual technique to enliven the atmosphere 
of the teaching and learning process, awaken learners’interests, and make the 
language accession effecting. There are four main factors for the success of role-
plays: the topic which is selected ought to be natural and proper; the teacher should 
observe students’ actions carefully, and correct mistakes in an accurate way. 
Implementing role-play in the classroom may add diversity, a variation of pace and 
chances for a wide scope of language usage. According to John Scrivener, we can 
give another definition in order to clarify the concept of role-play. Students are 
usually given some data about a „role‟, for instance, a person or other characters in 
the role-play, and this information is frequently printed on small cards. Learners 
prepare in some minutes, and when they become ready, they act out small 
performances with other students using the ideas of their own, and they also use the 
information which is given in the cards. In most cases, simple role cards consist of 
only very short information, such as names of roles like pilot, passenger and so on. 
Also there can be only some guidance in order to inform what to do, like buy a 
bouquet of flowers from the flower shop and so on. So from the given definitions we 
can know that students are given particular roles to play in role-plays. The cards on 
which written the information is very essential, with the help of it the students who 
are going to act can get a clear instruction what to do and how to act in performances. 
Using such role-cards during organizing role-plays will help students feel confidence 
and inspire them. As we know, students differ with each other, and their language 
levels are not the same. So some weak students act their role only relying on the cards 
but clever ones use them like reminders. Role cards are prepared so that students own 
different roles and play their role with agreement. Before acting roles, student should 
be given some amount of time to prepare their speech and to get ready for their roles. 

In addition to this, students also add their own ideas and feelings to their roles except 
the cards. It helps the role to seem much more real and natural in the performances 
and students also feel courage during their roles. Role-play is any kind of activity 
which requires speaking, and students will put themselves into someone else, or they 
will stay as they are but imagine themselves in some kind of situation. When it comes 
to be an imaginary person, they will become another person who they like or asked to 
be for some time. They can pretend like the King, the Princess, or film stars, a 
cartoon hero, the choices which will be played are endless. Students may also choose 
somebody else which they prefer. If students are asked to play roles in imaginary 
situations, they will be given some type of situations or scenarios to play in role-
plays, for instance, the scene at the restaurant, the scene at the shopping center, or at 
the doctor and so on. They may also change or add any changings or some addition to 
the given scenario in the role-plays. 
Role-plays give students a great opportunity to work together and corporate in 
different problematic situations. A role play is a learning construction which lets 
learners to directly apply contentment as they are asked to put themselves into the 
character of a resolution maker who should make a resolution concerning a policy, 
source allotment, or another event. This kind of method is an admirable instrument 
for motivating learners and permitting them to cooperate with their friends as they 
attempt to accomplish the exercise appointed to them in their particular roles. Such 
type of works can be done in competitive groups or learners may assert the individual 
of their role through the studying period. Learners are more motivated since they 
attempt to reply to the stuff from the position of their character, and play their roles 
with their friends or classmates.
A role-play is a kind of communication that give chances studentsto have real 
life situations on which they will be able to practice more on their speaking skills 
than grammar rules. The focus is given to put in practice the rules which they learn at 
classes. The interaction between students also may be improved since they work 
together in several situations. It is obvious that a role-play simulates a friendly and 
encouraging atmosphere at the classroom. Learners can collect a deeper 
comprehension of various standpoints which helps them to feel confident among 
audiences. In order to make effective and interesting role-play activities, and achieve 
goals in speaking skills using them, it is important to know the organization of them, 
and how to organize properly role-plays. As every activity owns its own structure and 
rules in order to organize, such things can be found in role-plays also. Every 
successful teacher should know about its rules and follow them during the usage of 
role-play activities. Some basic principles are used so that role-plays result 
successfully in speaking abilities. First of all, it is very essential to note that if a 
teacher is not aware about the efficacy of using role-play activities; such activities 
themselves will not show any successful and expected goals at lessons.Educator 
should consider about how roleplays are exciting techniques to utilize and have many 
advantages. Students will be interested in playing role-plays if their teacher is 
enthusiastic about organizing such activities during lessons. Teacher’s mood, 
attention and behavior also affect to students personal traits at classes. They pay 
attention to every minor detail which is happening in the classroom so teachers ought 

to be very careful and attentive while establishing activities. Every teaching 
succession demands three significant components: the stage of engaging, the stage 
ofstudyingand the stage ofactivating. These major elements are considered to be so 
important and indispensable.4 The achievement of goals which are planned by 
teachers can be accomplished with the help of them. In the first step − the stage 
ofengaging, the educator’s task is to engage and keep students’ focus and pleased 
attention in the lessons. It is believed one of the most crucial tasks of each teacher at 
the beginning of each lesson. Besides, learners’ brains have to be implied and linked 
with a lesson in an emotional manner, for instance by a delightful situation or a 
pleasant picture. After that, students need to learn the new or unknown language; it 
might be grammar rules or vocabulary tasks. Without studying them, learners may 
face with different misapprehension in the period of playing role-plays. After having 
been familiar withunknown items, learners are given an opportunity to practice both 
the new learned vocabulary and the language they have already learned. Students do 
this when they talk in a free manner. It helps to consolidate new knowledge and 
repeat the oldest one at the same time. After having been engaged and attracted, 
being introduced the new vocabulary and having drilled it, students attempt to actuate 
it. Then teachers can see the waited goals and students can have a proper and strong 
knowledge. In the end, learners try to bring out the new vocabulary or any kind of 
language. Additionally, playing role-plays is a worthy of a great praise technique to 
practice the language in the lifelike situation. If students do any mistake while using 
new language, the teacher will be able to correct them in that lesson, and at the result 
students can improve themselves faster than usual. It will work only when teachers 
pay their all attention to the works of their students. If their teacher do not remove 
errors on time and do not observe students carefully, students’ eagerness to do 
activities and to study will be declined immediately. The main factor which can affect 
students greatly is their teacher and his or her attention to the students. So correcting 
the mistakes on time will help students to develop their knowledge properly. If role-
plays are not based upon a conversation or dialogue in a course book or a text on the 
book, learners themselves have to make a decision on what language to apply and 
how a dialogue or conversation ought to evolve.5 Hence, in order to make role plays 
advantageous activities, accurate preparation will be highly vital. Before giving the 
role cards, the educator may tell students to do brainstorming at the lesson on what 
the students may speak. 

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