Syntax терминіне ағылшын тілінде анықтама беріңіз

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  1. Morphology,  syntax терминіне ағылшын тілінде анықтама беріңіз

Morphology-Morphology is the study of the internal structure of words and forms a core part of linguistic study today.

  • The term morphology is Greek and is a makeup of morph- meaning ‘shape, form’, and -ology which means ‘the study of something’.

  • Morphology as a sub-discipline of linguistics was named for the first time in 1859 by the German linguist August Schleicher

  • who used the term for the study of the form of words.

2.Syntax- is basically about what word comes before and after another word; in other words, it's part of the larger subject of grammar. Syntax is often an issue in poetry, and it's usually discussed in connection with diction—that is, the poet's choice of words. So, for example, your English professor might point out the syntactic difference between "Whose woods these are I think I know" and "I think I know whose woods these are;" whereas if the discussion was about diction instead, the question might be about the choice of "woods" rather than "land", or "think" rather than "bet".

2. Ағылшын тілінде еркін тақырыпта шығарма жазу

Restaurants in London

The British have taken good ideas from all over the world. You can eat Chinese, Indian, Italian and Greek food in any big city. There is a fantastic variety of restaurants. The restaurants' best customers are business people, who meet in them to talk business in a relaxed atmosphere away from the telephone They can eat what they like because the company pays the bill.

When a man and woman want to get to know each other better, they often go out to a restaurant together. After all it's easier to talk in a quiet atmosphere with soft music, wine and good food. Most British families only go to restaurants on special occasions, like birthdays or wedding anniversaries. For visitors to London, eating out can be fun. But if you want that special feeling of London, go to the Ritz in Piccadilly for tea any afternoon at about half past four. And you'll see that the prices are very high. Then you can try England's favourite food-fish and chips. Take it away and eat where you like - in the park, on the bus or while you walk down the street. British restaurants have not always been famous for their good food. Too often, they offered only fried food and chips with everything. But now healthy food is in fashion.
3. Қажетті жерге артикль қойып шығыңыз

1. I am an engineer.

2. My son is a pupil. He is a good pupil.

3. This is a house.

4. This is my   pencil.

5. You have some pencils, but I have no pencil. Give me a pencil, please.

6. I like your beautiful flower. Give me a  flower, please.

7. My mother is at home. She is reading an interesting book.

8. My father is not at home. He is at work. He is a doctor. He is a good doctor. He works at a hospital. The  hospital is large.


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