Ведущий: Good morning, dear teachers. Hello, our young friends. We are glad to see you here today

өлшемі65,05 Kb.
Ведущий: Good morning, dear teachers. Hello, our young friends. We are glad to see you here today.

Біздің мектепте он күн бойы ағылшын тілі апталығы болып өтті.Он күннің ішінде түрлі сайыстар,көрмелер,плакаттар сайысы,ғылыми жобалар өтіп, оқушылар белсене қатысты.

Today we have invited you in this room to tell how popular the English language in which it spoken countries, and how important it is to teach him to be educated and guided well in the modern world.

Міне сіздермен Қазақстанда тұрамыз,қазақша сөйлейміз, Қазақ тілі біздің ресми тіл болып саналады. Ал ағылшын тілінде қанша ел сөйлейді?

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America, Canada, Australia, New Zealand peoples speak in English language

Біріккен корольдік және Ұлы Британия дәне Солтүстік Ирландия,Америка құрама штаттары ,Канада,Австралия,Жаңа Зеландия

And today we'll take a little trip to these countries. Let's get acquainted with their culture, traditions and customs. You will find that all of them are absolutely amazing, very different from each other, all in different parts of our globe, but one thing unites them - the people there speak English.

You are ready? So, we begin ...

Ағылшын тілінде сөйлейтін елдер туралы видио көрсету

Lets sing a song : May there always be sun shining

We now present the ten best English writers who would have ensured England’s place at the top of the literature league, even without including the Bard of Avon. It was no easy task as there have been so many English writers over the years, and the list ends up being very subjective. So, in no particular order, here is our pick of the top 10 English writers of all time:
Charles Dickens 1812-1870

Charles Dickens was an extraordinary man. He is best known as a novelist but he was very much more than that. He was as prominent in his other pursuits but they were not areas of life where we can still see him today. We see him as the author of such classics as Oliver Twist, David Copperfield, Great Expectations, A Tale of Two Cities, Bleak House and many others. All of his novels are English classics.

Here at No Sweat Shakespeare we have no doubt that William Shakespeare is by far the best writer in English literary history. And that’s no mean feat given the centuries of English history have been adorned with writers who, even if Shakespeare had never existed, would have placed England as the top literary country in the world.

William Blake 1757-1827

Although not highly regarded either as a painter or poet by his contemporaries William Blake has the distinction of finding his place in the top ten of both English writers and English painters. The reason he was disregarded is because he was very much ahead of his time in his views and his poetic style, and also because he was regarded as being somewhat mad, due to behaviour that would be thought of as only slightly eccentric today– for example his naturistic habit of walking about his garden naked and sunbathing there…

There are other great English language writers closely associated with the English writing scene, and could have been included in this list had they been born in England. Writers like Irishmen, James Joyce, William Butler Yeats, Jonathan Swift and Oscar Wilde, and the American, T.S. Eliot.

Lets listen our young poets .Poems by English writers

Lets sing a song “ ”

-English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in Anglo-Saxon England in the early Middle Ages. It is now the most widely used language in the world.

-English literature has many famous stories and plays. William Shakespeare was a famous English writer of poems and plays. His English is Early Modern English, though not quite as we use it today. Later, many short stories and novels also used English. The novel as we know it is first seen in !8th century English.[9] Today, many famous songs and movies (cinema films) use the English language.

S: Now let’s have some fun and look one more fairy-tale about a girl who goes to visit her grandmother and…

Lets look our tails: Red Riding Hood

Seven little goats

1-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – ең кең тараған тілдердің бірі.

2-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – ұлтаралық қарым-қатынас тілі.
3-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – сан ғасырлық салт-дәстүр тілі.
4-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – компьютер мен ғаламдық өрмек тілі.
5-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – қайталанбас ұлы тұлға Шекспирдің тілі.
6-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – әлемдік мәдениет пен өркениет тілі.
7-оқушы: Ағылшын тілі – жаһандық экономикаға оңай кірігу тілі.
Бәрі: Ағылшын тілі – ынтымақтастықтың кілті.
1-оқушы: Английский язык – широко распространённый язык.
2-оқушы: Английский язык – международный язык общения.
3-оқушы: Английский язык – язык многовековых традиций.
4-оқушы: Английский язык – язык компьютера и интернета.
5-оқушы: Английский язык – язык выдающегося Шекспира.
6-оқушы: Английский язык – язык мировой культуры и цивилизации.
7-оқушы: Английский язык – путь легкого проникновения в глобальную экономику.
Бәрі: Английский язык – это ключ солидарности.
1-оқушы: The English language is a widespread language.
2-оқушы: The English language is an international language.
3-оқушы: The English language is the language of an immortal poet Shakespeare.
4-оқушы: The English language is the language of old traditions.
5-оқушы: The English language is a language of computer and internet.
6-оқушы: The English language a key of the world culture
7-оқушы: The English language is. is a way of easily entering into the global economy.
Бәрі: English is a key of the solidarity

Біздің мектепте он күн бойы ағылшын тілі апталығы болып өтті.Он күннің ішінде түрлі сайыстар,көрмелер,плакаттар сайысы,ғылыми жобалар өтіп, оқушылар белсене қатысты.

Оқушыларды марапаттау сәтіне кезек берсек............

S: Thank you for your coming. We hope you’ve liked it.

Аlmaty city Alatau region

№ 26 comprehension school

English Party:

«English – Speaking Countries»

English teachers

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