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атты республикалық ғылыми-тәжірибелік студент жастар конференциясының материалдары 
Kazakh singer Akhan-seri, a sad story about the death of his beloved horse Kulager, the poem is 
presented in verse form. Kulager was killed during the baiga(the horse competition) at the behest of an 
evil envious person, who understood that his trotter named Gray Hawk would never bypass the well-
known throughout the steppe of the fiery steed Kulager.
The poem is opened by the heads of “Tolganu” and “Tugan zher”, where the author describes 
with great love the full splendor of Kokshetau's nature. Elegant, granite mountains, reminiscent of their 
sculptures fossilized people, animals, birds, the healing lake Burabai, the famous Okzhetpes, dense 
mysterious forests, vast steppes and green carpet meadows - all this presents the readers with a lively 
and vivid picture. The poem is also valuable in that it draws everyday sketches from the life of the 
nomadic Kazakhs. Masterfully conveyed the description of the competitions of wrestlers and horses. 
The depth of thought and rich imagination of the poet are combined with surprisingly beautiful literary 
Kazakh language, involuntarily you get aesthetic pleasure. 
The cornerstone theme of the work is the theme of serving art, the fate of a creative person, an 
artist. The poet shows the defenselessness of art in a society where everyone decides wealth, money, 
mercantile interests, intrigues, self-interest. He talks about his main hero Akhan seri with great warmth 
and, using the power of an artistic word, paints his charming and harmonious image. Detecting the vices 
of feudal society, Ilyas Zhansugurov shows the struggle between Good and Evil. With his creation, he 
brings to the reader such an idea: a person is subject to everything, - to create and, unfortunately, to 
destroy. They destroy everything, as you know, human envy, cruelty, ignorance. In the poem, the hymn 
to Beauty, the beauty of the spiritual, sounds distinctly. Although the negative hero of the work Batyrash 
escaped punishment, the universal experience says: a man reaps what he sowed. Crossed the moral law 
of criminals doomed to oblivion and age-old shame, they branded Akhan-seri in the immortal song 
This poem is one of the outstanding works of Kazakh literature, where the fate of the poet and 
singer Akhan echoes the fate of Ilyas Zhansugurov himself, as well as of a whole generation of Kazakh 
intellectuals who were subjected to repressions of the 1930s. This poem is also considered his “swan 
song”, the death cry of his soul, a warning for all future times. The poet used a strong literary language, 
so "Kulager" is a classic of the literature of Kazakhstan. 
"Kulager" is an absolutely amazing creation, deeply national and at the same time universal. The 
poem still excites the reader, because every line is missed by the poet through the heart and soul. It is 
this that gives the product its significance and unfading value.
Iliyas Zhansugurov is also known as the author of the legendary works "Baishubar" and 
"Saganak", one of the pillars of Kazakhstan literature. Writing in different genres, Iliyas became a 
cultural architect of the first Soviet generation of Kazakhs which made a great deal for the whole nation. 
Biography of Iliyas Zhansugurov is an example for imitation for modern youth. From difficult 
childhood to tragic death, Iliyas always remained faithful to his people, Kazakh nation and faithful to the 
desire to improve their lives. 

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