Lesson plan
Date: 21.01.16
Subject: English
Form: 8th grade
Teacher:Zhaksimova .G
Theme of the lesson: Plants of Kazakhstan.
1.Өтілген тақырыпты сұрақ жауап түрінде, тест түрінде қайталау осыларға оқушылардың жауап бергеніне қарап өтілген тақырыпты оқушылар калай түсінгенін білуге болады.
2.Грамматикалық тақырыпты да қайталау ержелерді сұрау,мысалдар жаздыру.
3.Оқушыларға Қазақстанымыздың өсімдіктері туралы айту қандай пайдалы өсімдіктері бар оларды калай сақтау керек төрт жыл мезігілінде кандай гүлдер өседи олардың аттарын қазақша,орысша және ағылшынша үйрету.
Types of the lesson: mixing
Method of the lesson: to write new words
Visual aid: pictures of the flowers and cards
Connection: Kazakh language
Organization: Greeting with pupils in English language.
Goodmorning pupils
How are you?
Check up the pupils who is absent.
Who is on duty today?
Who is absent today?
Let’s sing song.
Check up homework:
I ask the rule of passive voice with examples.
How to use present passive voice? Please write your examples.
Tell us about “Animals of USA”
Answer the questions about “Animals of USA”
For example: What kind of bird is the national bird of the USA?
New theme:
Plants of Kazakhstan
By the Present time the government of Kazakhstan has not selected any flower as the national flower of the country,officially.Though Tulips are very popular in the country, but the Lily (lilium) serves as the unofficial national frlower of Kazakhstan.
The genus Lilium are herbaceous flowering plants normally growing from bulbs, comprising a genus of the ab out 110 spcies in the lily family,Liliaceae.They are important as large showy flowering garden plants,and in literature.
This is the picture of Tulips. They are yellow and beautiful
Everybody write two or three information about tulips.
We must care of our plans and our beautiful flowers!!!
To write information about flowers

It is flower for January.It is white as snow, it appears in forest and gardens.

You can see the them everywhere in the fields,gardens and even roadsides.

It is the flower for May.It grows in a small three and it blossoms with pink, White or red flowers.

It is June flower.
Morning glory – шырмауық- вьюн

It is September’s flower.It is climbing plant with white,blue or purple blossoms.The m orning glory has sweet smell and can grow wild.
Hop- құлмақ –хмель

It is the flower for October. People use it to make , beer.It is climbing plant wich often decorates country houses.
Chrysanthemum- хризантема

It is one of the oldest known flowers.
Holly- is the flower of December. It is the flower of Christmas season.

Now pupils do you understand today’s theme?
Now answer my questions OK!
Do you like flpwers?
Do you like plant flowers?
Do you like watering them?
What is your favourite flower?
Do you have a pot flower at home?
I give some advices.
Give them food everyday.
Give them water everyday.
Give them a clean and dry place to sleep.
You must plant trees, water the flowers.
You know a Kazakh proverb “Бір тал жұлсаң он тал ек»
You know our president program “Zhasil el”
In summer holidays each of you growing flower in our school garden.
It’s very usefull for you!!!
Homework: Write essay everybody their favourite flowers.
Stand up! Lesson is over! Goodbye!
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