House of my dream

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House of my dream
жолдаулар, жолдаулар, жолдаулар, жобалау эем, жобалау эем
House of my dream.

The main thing for me in the house of my dream is beauty and comfort. I dream to live in a private house somewhere in the quiet suburb of the city. I will have a one-storey house with all modern conveniences in it and a beautiful garden around it. There will be a kitchen, a bathroom, a living-room, two bedrooms and a study where I will be able to work.

In the living-room there will be a sofa, two armchairs, a TV-set and a stereo-system. There will be a nice soft carpet on the floor. The walls will be covered with the light wallpaper and a big standard -lamp will light the room.

In the study I would like to have a table with lots of drawers, a computer and a comfortable chair. There are going to be some shelves on the walls for books and different souvenirs and one or two bookcases. I want to rest in my study, so I would like to have a little sofa in the corner. I like pictures very much, so I perhaps will put some with beautiful landscapes on the wall. To make my study cosy I will put some flowers on the windowsill.

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