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Educational tasks that can be solved with the help of video

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Work 5

1.5 Educational tasks that can be solved with the help of video:
1. Repetition of vocabulary and vocabulary expansion.
1) To do this, we use a video fragment from 30 seconds to 1 minute, in which objects, actions or characteristics on the lexical topic are presented. It is better that the video was accompanied by music or English text. You can also use a video clip with text in your native language, removing the sound.

2) The study group is divided into subgroups or pairs, each of which receives its assignment. Tasks do not have to be different. They can be duplicated for several groups or pairs.

3) Students watch a video showing different animals (professions, colors, people performing various actions). Then they discuss in groups (pairs) what they see. If necessary, they can use the dictionary or seek help from the teacher.

4) For example: name the animal you saw in English;

tell me what the elephant does; who is by profession the person you saw; what yellow objects did you see, etc.

5) Then the students answer the questions. The teacher warns in advance that they will watch the video again and will have to check how correctly the group has completed its task.

6) Then everyone watches the passage a second time and checks the correctness of the answers.
2. Video can also be used to introduce new lexical items or a new lexical theme.
]You can show animals in the zoo or in their habitat, which will produce a much brighter impression and will contribute to better memorization than when working with a textbook.

As in this case, for the task “describe the picture” you can use the function “pause”, so that the students have the opportunity to see all the details on the screen.

3. Learning to understand speech by ear.
We can say that the use of video for teaching listening has its positive and negative sides.

On the one hand, the video is more emotional than the audio, the students not only hear, but see the speakers, their facial expressions and gestures, and also receive information about the context of what is happening - the place of action, the age of the participants, etc.

On the other hand, all these factors distract the student from the actual speech, and he can be carried away by what is happening on the screen, instead of focusing on listening.

Therefore, especially at the initial stage, students should have a clear task before viewing, on which they should focus.

4. Using video dialogs (within 5-15 minutes) for the purpose of listening training and developing reading skills.
Option A
1) The teacher chooses a fragment from a movie 1-2 minutes long, which consists of clearly pronounced replicas, simple in form and content.

2) Write each remark to a separate card, marking which character it belongs to.

3) Splits a class into several groups and gives each group a complete set of cards containing a dialogue.

4) The group should look at the passage without looking at the cards, and then put the replicas in the order they appeared in the record.

5) After that, you need to look at the passage again, checking the correctness of the order of the replicas. If necessary, make pauses.
Option B
Students in the group are trained in reading the dialogue.
Option C
The teacher starts the recording without sound, and the students voice the dialogue on the screen.

Possible tasks:

• Students lay out the cards in the order that they consider correct before viewing, and then check the correctness of their guess.

• The dialogue is not on the cards, but on one sheet, and they need to number the replicas in the order of appearance.

Option D
1) The teacher chooses an excerpt from the feature film (1–3 minutes long) in which 3-5 participants talk. It is better for students to be familiar with the characters.

2) The teacher prepares two lists - the names of the characters and their replicas in random order. Each student must have their own copy.

3) If it is impossible to make copies, we write the lists on the board.

4) The teacher explains to the students that the passage will be shown without sound and their task will be to arrange the remarks in order, and also to figure out who says what.

5) Next, the teacher shows the video clip without sound. Students work in pairs, restoring the sequence of replicas and to whom they belong.

6) Then the teacher shows the passage with the sound, and the students check the correctness of their work.

7) The dialogue is read and discussed with the class.
5. Project work, research.

You can complete a series of lessons on a topic or issue by watching videos. Students in advance receive a task to study a particular material. It helps prepare them for watching videos.

Working with the video further opens up the perspectives of understanding this topic, contains an element of novelty.
6. Use of video materials to search for language information.

These tasks are focused on the search, isolation, fixation, transformation of a certain language material: vocabulary, grammar, phonetics. At the same time, the content of the exercise provides a degree of effect ti run the job.

The wording of tasks may be as follows:
Option A
View the video clip and ...
1) Pick up English (German, French, etc.) equivalents to the following Russian words and expressions;

2) Pick a Russian equivalent to the following English / German, etc. words and phrases;

3) Fill in the gaps in sentences with the necessary words and expressions;

4) Record all the adjectives that were used in the video with

the noun “school” (all verbs that were used with the noun “work”, etc.);

5) Write the verbs from the list below in the grammatical form in which they were used in the text; with what intonation the word was pronounced in the text; from the list of expressions below, check those that were (not) used in the text of the video.

Option B
Tasks aimed at developing speaking skills.

The following video tricks are aimed at developing monologue speech skills:

Possible tasks:
1) Describe in the absence of the image, while maintaining the sound.

Tasks for the description:

- the alleged appearance of the characters and their clothes;

- items that could be near;

- place of events;

- the nature of the relationship between the characters, etc.

All these tasks are a type of monologue - a description of the characteristics of people, objects, etc.
2) Tasks, to use the “PAUSE” button.

Invites students to make assumptions about the future course of events. This is due to the development of skills: the definition and establishment of semantic links of the text, and their development.

3) Tasks, to reproduce what he saw in the form of a story, a message, etc.
4) Tasks for the development of skills dialogic speech, for example: turn off the sound while saving the image and then play the intended text. questions
5) Review of consumer opinions (duration 30 minutes)

• The teacher chooses to advertise a product or service that may interest students.

• Distributes a questionnaire by answering questions, in which you can find out how much time (per day, per week, per month) they watch on average on television.

• The teacher makes a warning that will show a commercial. Records questions on the board that need to be answered:

- What is the message?

- What is the target audience?

- Are you part of the target audience?

- Do you find the message convincing?

• Pupils view ads.

• Students in groups discuss their responses to

• Pupils watch the video again to be sure that the answers are correct.
6) Fill in the video pass (duration 10-15 minutes)

• The teacher selects a passage in which the plot is clearly visible.

line. Records its beginning and end (approximately one minute long).

• Explains to the class that two passages will be shown. The students' task is to write a story that would link these passages.

• Students watch the first passage.

• Students (in groups) discuss the situation and characters (and the representative of the group gives the group's opinion).

• Next, students watch the second passage. The order of discussion is the same.

• Compare two passages - place, events, character relationships, etc.

• Each group composes a story connecting these two events.

• A representative of each group reads out (or tells) their own version.

• Students compare persuasiveness and other virtues of the story.

• Pupils watch the entire passage, then compare their stories with the original.

7) Create a video clip (duration 40-50 minutes)

• The teacher selects a music video, preferably one that the class has not seen. The teacher records the words of the song, makes a two-part questionnaire: in the first one there are questions on the text of the song and its performance, and in the second, on the accompanying video sequence.

• Distributes words to students. Discusses the mood and content of the song.

• Distributes a questionnaire. The teacher warns the class that at first they will only listen to the song, so you must respond to the first part of the questionnaire.

• A song is played in video format, and the image closes.

• Students in groups discuss how they would accompany a particular part of a song (the second part of the questionnaire).

• The bands tell what video clip they would make for this song.

• The teacher shows the video.

• The class answers the questions:
Is this video what they expected?

Did anything in the pictures surprise them?

Do you need to add them?
Which do they prefer to listen to the music video?
The video is shown again to clarify controversial points.

In conclusion, it can be noted that such methods and techniques for using video in a foreign language lesson and in extracurricular activities offer unique opportunities for teachers and students to form sociocultural competence as one of the components of communicative competence in general.

In addition to the content side of communication, the video contains visual information about the place of the event, appearance and non-verbal behavior of the participants of communication in a specific situation.

The effectiveness of the use of video in teaching speech depends not only on the exact definition of its place in the training system, but also on how rationally organized the structure of the video is, how the training possibilities of the video are coordinated with the objectives of the training.

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