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The relevance of the use of video materials in English lessons

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1.6 The relevance of the use of video materials in English lessons
The term "video" (from the Latin. "Video" - I see, I see) understand a wide range of technologies for recording, processing, transmitting, storing and playing back visual and audiovisual material on monitors.

Video materials are technical training tools that provide the function of transmitting information, as well as receiving feedback in the process of perception and assimilation with the aim of subsequent development of certain skills for students in English lessons (including speaking skills).Video materials used in English classes must be authentic, that is, created by native speakers, and they often may not be educational in nature or related to the learning process.

The use of videotapes in English lessons contributes to the individualization of learning and the development of motivated speech activity of students. The specificity of video materials as a means of teaching English in 9th grade of secondary school provides communication with real subjects that stimulate almost genuine communication: students become participants in all situations that are played out with their help, play certain roles, solve “real” life problems. The effect of participation in the daily life of the country of the language being studied is not only conducive to learning natural, living language, but also serves as a powerful incentive to increase student motivation. When using video films in a foreign language lesson, two types of motivation develop: self-motivation, when the film is interesting in itself, and motivation, which is achieved by showing the student that he can understand the language that he is learning. This brings satisfaction and gives faith in one’s own strength and desire for further improvement. It is necessary to strive to ensure that students receive satisfaction from the film precisely through an understanding of the language, and not only through an interesting and entertaining plot.

Using video contributes to the development of various types of mental activity, especially attention and memory. During viewing in the classroom an atmosphere of joint cognitive activity. Under these conditions, even an inattentive student becomes attentive. In order to understand the content of the film, students need to make some effort. So involuntary attention turn into arbitrary. And the intensity of attention affects the process of memorization. The use of various channels of information receipt (auditory, visual, motor perception) has a positive effect on the strength of capturing language material.

It is worth remembering that in secondary schools, not all students have a good command of a foreign language. However, for such an audience as an increase in interest in the subject, as well as in order to broaden the horizons, it is worthwhile to show video films.

Video films in English lessons are an effective means of developing oral speech skills and, undoubtedly, contribute to the consolidation of the studied phonetic, lexical and grammatical material, as well as to a certain expansion of the vocabulary of students.
Work with films also contributes to the development of writing skills, since after viewing students make written retellings of the film's content, constitute dialogues, questions about the content of the film and the answers to them.

The use of video in a foreign language lesson should always be more than a symbolic trip to the cinema or watching television. While watching a video, the teacher comments on specific points, and then students share their impressions of what they see. You can use various films - regional geographic, documentary, educational. A great opportunity for organizing the discussion is the artistic adaptation of the works, which facilitates students' perception.

Thus, the psychological characteristics of the impact of videos on students contribute to the intensification of the educational process and create favorable conditions for the formation of communicative (language and socio-cultural) competence of schoolchildren.

Classification of audiovisual materials

There is a huge amount of video that can be used in English classes. These can be commercials or interviews with famous people, cartoons or a plot from world blockbusters, snippets of news and TV shows. In the scientific and methodical literature there is no strict classification of video materials. On the basis of the technical side, the video materials are: recorded on information media and those that are directly broadcast on the air.

By way of presentation, all audiovisual materials can be divided into filmstrips and video films.

A filmstrip (from the Greek. “Dia” - “transition from beginning to end”, and English. “Film” - photo or film) is a positive (slide) film, whose frames are thematically related to each other and constitute a consistent illustration.

Video application is a unique means of teaching English at all stages of language learning in high school. The effectiveness of the use of video materials in English lessons has been proven by us in practice. During the pedagogical practice in study center “Global Student Center – Pavlodar”, we widely used video materials on the topic "Historical facts, inventions". Video footage selected by us consists of videos about the wonders of the Ancient and New World, inventions of mankind; include video tours to ancient Rome and Egypt.

When studying the facts from the history of mankind, the video materials served as a visual aid and supplement to the main textbook “Magic Tour” for the sixth grades edited by the group of authors Yuhnel N. V., Bushueva E. V. and others.

Video materials were used both at the stage of introducing new lexical units, and at fixing vocabulary on the topic and grammatical structures of the Past Simple Passive.

When studying the topic “The Time Machine”, the video tour “Ancient Egypt” helped to create the conditions for immersion during the reign of Tutankhamen and the world of the pharaohs. The video fragment, logically connected with the topic of the lesson, became a kind of “time machine”, which allowed creating the proper atmosphere. Before watching the video, the following setting was given: “Watch the video and tell me, would you like to visit Egypt? (“To Egypt?)”. After viewing, it was suggested to perform an exercise containing correct and false sentences (Exercise 2, p. 31 from the “Magic Tour” textbook). Video tour “Ancient Egypt” is a small video fragment (7 minutes) containing facts from the history of the appearance of the pyramids, a description of the ancient monument “Sphinx”, cognitive information about Tutankhamun and the Egyptians. Fragment in English with simple vocabulary familiar to students.

The video tour “Ancient Rome” was applied when reading the history of Ancient Rome. The video tour includes information about the legend of the creation of the city of Rome and an overview of the main attractions of the city.

At the pre-demonstration stage, it was proposed to recall the history of ancient Rome, and during the viewing to find the answer to the question: “By whom and when was Rome founded? (Who was Rome founded by and when?) ”. At the post-demonstration stage, the following task was proposed:

Match the sentences with the pictures and put them in the correct order, using the information from the video tour “Ancient Rome” (Exercise 1, pp. 34-35 from the textbook “Magic Tour”).

The video tour “Ancient Rome” lasts 8 minutes, contains the legend of Romulus and Remus, an overview of the city and its main attractions. Tour in English using the Past Simple Passive grammar structures.

A generalized lesson on “Historical facts and inventions” was presented in the form of a video quiz using the videos “7 wonders of Ancient World” and “7 wonders of New World”.

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