Ключевые слова: инновация, консервативный тип, декларативный тип, колеблющийся тип,
прогрессивный тип, одержимый тип.
The modern stage of the development of society poses a whole series of fundamentally new
problems for the system of education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conditioned by political, socio-
economic, worldview and other factors, among which the need to improve the quality and accessibility of
education is emphasized. Increasing academic mobility, integrating into the world scientific and
educational space, creating optimal educational systems in the economic sphere, increasing the level of
university corporate identity and strengthening the links between different levels of education are in
One of the effective ways to solve these problems is informatization of education. Improving the
technical means of communication has led to significant progress in information exchange. The
emergence of new information technologies related to the development of computer facilities and
telecommunications networks has made it possible to create a qualitatively new information and
educational environment as a basis for the development and improvement of the education system.
The task of technology as a science is to extract a set of regularities in order to identify and use the
most effective, consistent educational activities that require less time, material and intellectual resources
to achieve any result in practice. [1, 130p]
Innovation is the introduction of new forms, ways and skills in the field of training, education, and
science. Basically, any socio-economic novelty, while it has not received a mass, i.e. serial distribution
yet, can be considered as an innovation.
The specificity of education at the beginning of the third millennium introduces special demands on
the use of various technologies, since their product is aimed at living people, and the degree of
formalization and algorithmization of technological educational operations is unlikely to be ever
comparable to industrial production. In connection with this, along with the technological development of
educational activities, the process of its humanization is equally inevitable, which is now becoming
increasingly widespread within the framework of the personal-activity approach. Deep processes
occurring in the education system both in our country and abroad lead to the formation of a new ideology
and methodology of education as an ideology and methodology of innovative education. Innovative
learning technologies should be seen as an instrument through which a new educational paradigm can be
The main goal of innovative education technologies is to prepare a person for life in an ever
changing world. The essence of such training is the orientation of the learning process on the potential
capabilities of the person and their implementation. Education should develop the mechanisms of
innovation, find creative ways to solve vital problems, promote the transformation of creativity into the
norm and form of human existence.
The goal of innovation is a qualitative change in the personality of the learner in comparison with
the traditional system. This is becoming possible by the introduction of not known practices of didactic
and educational programs into the professional activity, which implies the removal of the pedagogical
crisis [2, 75p]. The development of the ability to motivate actions, self-orienting in the received
information, the formation of creative non-conventional thinking, the development of children through
the maximum disclosure of their natural abilities, using the latest achievements of science and practice are
the main objectives of innovation. Innovative activity in education as a socially significant practice aimed
at moral self-improvement of a person is important because it is capable of ensuring the transformation of
all existing types of practices in society.
The use of information and communication technologies makes it possible to accelerate
significantly the process of information retrieval and transmission, to transform the nature of mental
activity, and to automate human labor. It is proved the level of development and implementation of
information and communication technologies in production activity determines the success of any
organization. The basis of information and communication technologies is information and
telecommunication systems built on computer resources and representing information resources and
hardware and software that provide storage, processing and transmission of information over a distance.
The modern school should become an advanced platform in the field of information technology, a
place where a person receives not only the necessary knowledge, but is imbued with the spirit of the
modern information society. Without the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), an
educational institution cannot claim an innovative status in education. After all, an educational institution
that is widely introducing educational, didactic, technical and technological innovations into the
educational process is considered innovative, and on this basis it achieves a real increase in the rates and
volumes of mastering the knowledge and quality of training specialists. The word "innovation" (from the
Latin "Innove") appeared in the middle of the 17th century and means the entry of a new into a certain
sphere, implantation in it and the generation of a whole series of changes in this sphere. Innovation is, on
the one hand, the process of introducing, realization, implementing, and, on the other hand, it is the
activity to rotate innovation into a certain social practice, and not an object [3, 18p]
Education is the way and form of the formation of the holistic person. The essence and purpose of
the new education is the actual development of the general, generic abilities of human, his or her
mastering of universal ways of activity and thinking. The modern concept of "education" is associated
with the interpretation of such terms as "education", "upbringing", "training", "development". However,
before the word "education" became associated with enlightenment, it had a wider sound. Dictionary
meanings consider the term "education", as a noun from the verb "to form" in the sense of "creating,"
"forming," or "developing" something new. Creating new is an innovation. [4, 250p]
The transition to interactive teaching methods and real-time technology requires significant
telecommunication resources that can provide the necessary interconnection of participants in the
educational process, support of multi-service technologies, high performance of telecommunications
equipment and the throughput of data networks.
In the context of the innovative strategy of a holistic pedagogical process, the role of the head of
the school, teachers and educators as direct carriers of innovative processes increases substantially. With
all the diversity of teaching technologies: didactic, computer, problematic, modular and others - the
implementation of the leading pedagogical functions remains for the teacher. With the introduction of
modern technologies in the teaching and upbringing process, the teacher and educator are increasingly
mastering the functions of a consultant, adviser, educator [5, 154p]. This requires special psychological
and pedagogical training, since in the professional activity of the teacher not only special, subject
knowledge is realized, but also modern knowledge in the field of pedagogy and psychology, the
technology of education and upbringing. On this basis, readiness for the perception, evaluation and
implementation of pedagogical innovations is formed.
The term "innovation" means novation, novelty, change; Innovation as a means and process
involves the introduction of something new. With regard to the pedagogical process, innovation means
the introduction of a new in the purpose, content, methods and forms of teaching and upbringing, the
organization of joint activities of the teacher and student.
In understanding the essence of innovative processes in education, there are two major problems of
pedagogy - the problem of studying, summarizing and disseminating advanced pedagogical experience
and the problem of introducing the achievements of psycho-pedagogical science into practice. Therefore,
the subject of innovation, the content and mechanisms of innovation processes should lie in the plane of
combining two interrelated processes, which are considered so far isolated, i.e. the result of innovative
processes should be the use of innovations, both theoretical and practical, as well as those that are formed
at the intersection of theory and practice. All this emphasizes the importance of management activities in
the creation, development and use of pedagogical innovations. Speech, therefore, is that the teacher can
act as the author, developer, researcher, user and promoter of new pedagogical technologies, theories,
concepts. Management of this process provides targeted selection, evaluation and application of
colleagues' experience or new ideas, proposed by science, in their activity. The need for an innovative
orientation of pedagogical activity in the current conditions of the development of society, culture and
education is determined by a number of circumstances [6, 75].
First, the ongoing socio-economic transformation has necessitated a radical renewal of the
education system, methodology and technology of the organization of the educational process in
educational institutions of various types. The innovative direction of the activities of teachers and
educators, including the creation, mastering and use of pedagogical innovations, is a means of updating
educational policy.
Secondly, the strengthening of the humanitarization of the content of education, the continuous
change in the volume, the composition of the academic disciplines, the introduction of new academic
subjects require a constant search for new organizational forms, technology training. In this situation, the
role and authority of pedagogical knowledge in the teacher's environment significantly increases.
Thirdly, the change in the nature of the attitude of teachers towards the very fact of mastering and
applying pedagogical innovations is important. In the conditions of strict regulation of the content of the
teaching and educational process, the teacher was limited not only in the independent choice of new
programs, textbooks, but also in the use of new methods and methods of pedagogical activity. If earlier
the innovation activity was reduced mainly to the use of the innovations recommended from above, now
it acquires an increasingly selective, research character. That is why the analysis and evaluation of
pedagogical innovations introduced by teachers, the creation of conditions for their successful
development and application, becomes an important direction in the work of school administrators and
educational authorities [7, 25p].
Fourth, the entry of general educational institutions into market relations, the creation of new types
of educational institutions, including non-state ones, create a real situation of their competitiveness.
Thus, education is inherently an innovation. Using these technologies in innovative teaching, the
teacher makes the process more complete, interesting, and saturated. When crossing the subject areas of
the natural sciences, such integration is simply necessary for the formation of a holistic worldview and a
world view of innovation include the introduction of ICT in the teaching and educational process,
software supplied to schools interactive electronic boards, modernization projects [8, 19p].
Every time he puts forward his demands for education, the main functions of which, according to
the scientist V. Rozin, are the reproduction of the experience accumulated in culture and the creation of
conditions for its purposeful change. As an integral part of the society, education must adapt flexibly to
changes in the social environment and, as a consequence, change itself "[9, p. 63].
The content analysis of works on innovative problems helps to distinguish as original core concepts
such as "innovation", "innovation" and "innovation". And, as some researchers note, the term
"innovation" originally appeared, which entered the "colloquial space" as far back as the 13th century,
while denoting "inventing something new that was ahead of its time." Then, already in the XIX century, it
comes into the sphere of scientific knowledge, but in quite different areas of scientific knowledge there
are quite different roles.Innovative processes in the field of pedagogy, according to the researchers OG.
Khomeriki, M.M. Potashnik, A. V. Lorensova, have become the subject of special study in the West since
the late 50's. and in the last decades of the XIX century in our country. "Like much in the world culture,
pedagogical innovation as a scientific discipline until the last years for us did not exist," said the
prominent researcher of pedagogical problems innovators of S.D. The Poles. "It can not be said that
Soviet pedagogy did not study the introduction of the new in public education at all. But this problem was
limited to the introduction of scientific achievements and the spread of advanced pedagogical experience.
And in these studies the image of a teacher arose as a person, which is enough to be filled with new
knowledge and skills (to make reasonable demands to him) so that he could use new ideas and methods of
work with inspiration and efficiency "[10, p. 56].
Democratic changes in recent years have provided teachers with additional opportunities to realize
their bold ideas and undertakings by legislating the right to freedom of pedagogical creativity. The
development of the innovative activity of the teacher is one of the strategic directions in education. The
solution of this task is important today, when any innovations in the field of education can be realized if
they are internally accepted and supported by innovator educators.
The reform of the educational system in the immediate and distant future depends entirely on both
the professional level of the pedagogical corps and the degree of interest and participation of each teacher
in the development of innovative activities in education. Teachers, in turn, perceive innovation
ambiguously [11, 27p].
In sociology, there are different opinions about the nature of man: one person is inclined to accept
innovations, others are conservative, more oriented to the existing than to the new, unchecked.
Many scientists devoted their research to innovations in relation to innovations, among them E.
Rogers, K. Angelovsky, A. Neimer, S. Polyakov, K. Ushakov, N. Anisimov, M. Potashnik, O.
Khomeriki, A. Lorensov and others. The classification of E. Rogers is considered the most successful. K.
Angelowski modernized the proposed Rogers typology. Retaining its substantive basis, he somewhat
modified the form of its organization. In this case, the main feature, as well as in the classification of
Rogers, is not the essential side - innovation as the quality of the teacher, but the time distance of the
inclusion of the subject in the development of innovation. The result is the following distribution:
- Innovators who believe that the new is good already because it is new - 6.7%;
- foremost, who believe that innovations need to be introduced as soon as they appear in
pedagogical reality - 44.7%;
- Moderate, because they do not aspire to be the first, but they do not want to be the last, and start
to develop a new one only when it has already been received by a significant part of colleagues-17.7%;
- the penultimate, more doubt than believe in the new, and perceive it only after the public opinion
of the overwhelming majority positively reacts to the innovation - 8,%;
- the latter, acting on the principle "let the latter be better, but we need to make sure that we are
doing the right thing" - 22.7% [12, 358p]
One of the most important factors determining the success of innovations is the attitude of the head
of the organization to this innovation, the nature of his position in the innovation process. The researcher
Yu.L. Neymer distinguishes 5 types of managers in their relation to the innovation process:
1. Conservative. Relating to the new with prejudice, the head of this type is focused on traditional
ways of working. Under the pressure of the initiative, it tries to "despise" or stretch the terms from the
2. Declarative. Supporting in words any innovation, in fact, however, avoids the implementation of
innovations that require fundamental changes and high costs.
3. Vibrating. His decisions sometimes strike with their opposite, often fall under the influence of
their closest assistants, in case of failure, trying to shift to their shoulders all responsibility for the
decision. Innovations are afraid.
4. Progressive. They are busy searching for new ways to achieve goals, new, progressive
5. Possessed. This type of leader is constantly engaged in restructuring the activities of his
organization. Not bothering himself with a preliminary calculation, operates under the motto "change for
the sake of change." [13, 89p]
In our opinion, for the successful implementation of the innovation process, a management style is
appropriate, which does not suppress the creative initiative of teachers by the command directives, but, on
the contrary, stimulating
employees to independent work, "pushing" them to self-determination of future tasks. As a result, a
new system of managerial thinking and activity is being developed-a system of cooperation and
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