Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторантуру, резидентуру и адъюнктуру

Couple who survived amazing 66 days at sea

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Английский язык Пособие для поступающих в магистратуру, докторан

Couple who survived amazing 66 days at sea

They survived in very good condition because:thev had food, drinking mater and the line to fish

When the life-raft started to break up, they were at sea____ days.50
The reason that Bill and Simone Butlers’ vaeht sank:some whales hit the side of the boat
They spent so many days at sea because ...they had some necessary things for living
A couple who spent many days at sea was from.Miami
Total number of days the Butlers spent at sea..two months
Then the Butlers' fishing-line was broken, something strange happened.Fish came to the surface, they caught them easily.
A fishing boat saw them and saved, but thcs:could not stand up
Bill and Simone Butler spent_____ days in u life-raft in the seas of Central
Name of the yacht a coupic went to the sea:Siboney
The Butlers caught fish with______when their line was broken.hands
Bill and Simone survived because_______they had food and a special machine to make salt water into drinking water

Text 2
My favourite artist

The word “turbulent” used in the text is close in meaning to the word .rough

According lo the text it can be said that Ivan Aivazovsky depicted_____landscapes. Ukrainian
The most accurate definition of the word “masterpiece” is_______respected work of art
Aivazovskv lived in Russia for______.some time
Ivan Aivazovsky devoted lots of his_____to the struggle between the people and the sea. paintings
Ivan Aivazovsky was born in Theodosia and/but he died in______Theodosia
Ivan Aivazovskv depicted______people lived near the sea
The Aivazovsky Picture Gallen has_____of his works.four hundred
The author of the text loves spending his her time on_____art
When the author is •____ he she prefers to visit museum. Free
Aivazovsky presented the picture gallery to Theodosia
The author visits Kies Museum of _____art in his/her free time.Russian

Text III

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