«Қарағанды қаласының білім бөлімі» мм «Жалпы білім беретін №77 мектеп-балабақша кешені» кмм

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Пайдаланылған әдебиеттер: 
1.Мекемтас Мырзаахметұлы «Бауыржан Момышұлы туралы естеліктер», 
Алматы, 2007 
2.«Бауыржан Момышұлы» 1-том, Алматы, 2004 
3. Бауыржан Момышұлы «Ұшқан Ұя», Алматы, 1974 
4. https://massaget.kz/layfstayl/debiet/bauyirjan_momyishulyi/24101/ 
Bereke R.U., teacher of English 
Secondary complex «School-kindergarten№77» 
The legendary batyr Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is the personification of 
heroism, an example of nobility and courage. His life, dedication, courage and 
courage in difficult war years, a great mind and great education - this is an 
example of a moral school. Batyr Bauyrzhan Momyshuly - a sage, orator and 
poet, a valiant man who valued above all honor and dignity. The whole 
conscious life of this person, full of deeds, actions, speeches, deep thoughts, is in 
everyone's memory. Bauyrzhan Momyshuly is a symbol of art, a symbol of 
humanity, citizenship, patriotism, morality. The heroic grandfather Bauyrzhan 
Momyshuly is known for his personality, patriotism, heroism, talent, and high 
moral qualities. Bauken is a man who has grown to the level of a common child 
of the people of the world. 
Baurzhan Momyshuly is a writer who saw the war with his own eyes. He 
is an artist. The main theme of the works of Baurzhan Momyshuly is the truth of 
war. He is the hero of his works, a man who merges with images. Since he is the 
character of events, the author tells on his own behalf . He is not an external 
observer but an active participant. [1] 
It is better to present a great son of the Kazakh Baurzhan Momyshuly. 
Everybody in our country knows his exploits and books. His winged words are 
also on people's lips. However, if we systematize his quotes, they will acquire a 
new character, revealing the character of the heroic son of our people. A 

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