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Swift paradigm in elt

Neetu Saraswat
Kendriya Vidyalaya, Alligarh (U.P.) (India)

Автор в данной статье рассматривает социокультурный подход при обучении английскому языку. В частности, английский язык рассматривается не только как предмет изучения, но и как средство обучения.
Бұл мақалада автор ағылшын тіліне үйретудің әлеуметтік-мәдени жақтарын қарастырады. Ағылшын тілі тек зерттеу нысаны ғана емес, сондай-ақ үйрету құралы ретінде де қарастырылады.

“England and America are the two countries divided by a common language.” (G.Bernard Shaw)

Of course English is widely accepted beyond the subcontinents of England and America. It has become globalised with the passage of time. It is the recarnation of language i.e. English which is taken either as EFL (English as a foreign language) or (English as a second language) ESL. Sufficient courage is required to accept this transition of English language just as Chowmin of china, Pizza of Italy, etc.
Generation X brings new language with multidimensional approach. It is make them feel light and for the enhancement of the students’ imagination. The goal is to enable students to communicate in the target language. For this, students are to be taken to the world of imagination and creativity; Throw the child into the pool of some topics and let him learn swimming of thoughts by himself.
Teaching and learning a foreign language cannot be reduced to the direct teaching of linguistic skills for instance phonology, morphology vocabulary and syntax. According to Kramsch (1993) “culture” is always in the background, right from day one, ready to unsettle the good language learners when they expect it least, making evident the limitations of their hard won communicative competence, challenging their ability to make sense of the world around them.” Bilingualism or multilingualism confers definite cognitive advantage; the 3-language formula is an attempt to address the challenges and opportunities of the linguistic situation in India. It is a strategy that should really serve as a launching pad for learning more languages. In this ret race, English does not stand alone. The aim of English teaching is the creation of multilinguals that can enrich all our languages. English must be seen in relation to other subjects- a language across the curriculum to bridge up the gap between “English as a subject” and “English as a medium of teaching.”
In EFL classroom, students are usually monolingual and they learn English while in their own country. They have little access to the target culture and therefore a limited ability to become culturally competent. Their aim for English is not only to communicate with native speakers of English but also with non-native speakers of English. That’s why, EFL learners are typically the learners of English as International language (EIL). And students are enable to become users of International or Intercultural communication. Thus, target language becomes a tool to be used in interaction with from all over the world.
Teacher’s autonomy is essential for ensuring a learning environment which addresses students’ diverse needs. As much as the learners requires space, freedom, flexibility and respect; the teachers requires them all. There is a need to encourage an atmosphere that facilitates collaborative efforts among teachers. There must be mechanism for conflict resolution.
There is a shift from traditional to performance based assessment: - (Bailey K.M. 1998)

  • One short tests - Continuous assessment

  • Text book based tests - Classroom performance test

  • Inauthentic tests - More real world assessment

  • Decantextualised text task - Contextualized test tasks

  • No feedbacks provided to learners - Feedback provided to learners in 4 skills- LSRW

  • Subjective correction a grading - Standardized scoring

  • No test follow up - Remedial classes available

  • Negative feedback - Positive feedback

Current Literature on ELT criticizes the transfer of CLT from western English speaking countries to other development contexts. This transfer is seen as problematic since pedagogy imported from abroad conflicts with the social, Cultural and physical conditions of the recipient countries. The ultimate goal of English teaching is to help learners acquire a good working command of English. The solution appears to be modified version of CLT. For this, a deep understanding of CLT theory and its Implications for classroom practice is important.
To support the theoretical and practical foundation of CLT, Savignon identified and describe five components of a communicative curriculum:-

  1. Language arts include exercises used in mother tongue programs to focus on formal accuracy.

  2. Language for a purpose – real communicative goals.

  3. Personal English Language use relates to the learners’ emerging identity in English.

  4. Theatre Arts provide learners with the tools, needed to act in a new language life interpretation, Expression, negotiation.

  5. Beyond classroom refers to the need to prepare learners to use the language they learn outside the classroom.

Scholars and teachers agree that motivation is crucial in language teaching. One well known way to arouse students’ interest can be achieved by bringing something extraordinary into new language classroom: -

  1. Comic strips can be used efficiently. Comics are funny; applying them to methodological purposes will have the same effect just as using games in teaching English. According to John Oller (1983) “texts are more episodically organized, stored and recalled more easily than less episodically organized matend.”

  2. Radio can bring authentic content to the classroom especially in the EFL environment, where it may not be easy to meet & talk with native speakers of English. Radio can be useful in developing countries with authentic English language content such as Videotape, recorders, film projectors.

  3. Drama helps students to build up self-confidence and skills in group dynamics. Drama gives a flavor of Co-Curriculum activities into the technical teaching of ELT.

  4. Role-play are touted as fun and motivation because it allows students to be creative, promote cooperative learning, provide practice in real life situations, improving communicative competence and fluency.

  5. Songs and poems can be used as a warm up exercise. Experienced teachers know that songs and poems are an excellent way to begin or end a lesson. It’s very important for the students of learning EFL as students have a soft corner for songs and poems from the Early Childhood days.

Therefore, a large variety of successful innovations exist. Approaches and methods are not exclusive but mutually supportive within a broad cognitive philosophy (incorporating Vygotskian, Chomoskyan and Piagetian principles). Higher Order Skills, including literary appreciation, can be developed once fundamental Competencies are ensured.

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