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Agricultural engineering: In the experiments, the zoned variety of Sudan grass Brodskaya 2 
was used. the seeding rate is recommended for the dry-steppe zone. 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей № 4(92) 2020 
Due to the biological characteristics of Sudan grass, tillering does not weaken throughout 
the growing season, which is one of the distinguishing properties of this crop in contrast to other 
annual fodder grasses.
In addition to the biological peculiarity to tillering, the formation of shoots and their number 
are noticeably influenced by environmental conditions (temperature, humidity) and applied 
agricultural technology, as well as the frequency and height of mowing. Too low mowing, up to 2-4 
cm, is undesirable, since Sudan grass stores plastic substances in the tillering node and in the first 
internode. Therefore, with low mowing, together with the first internode, the supply of plastic 
substances is alienated, which, of course, inhibits subsequent growth. The growth of Sudan grass 
can occur in three ways: due to the formation of new shoots from gemma located in the axil of the 
leaves of the first internodes preserved after the cut; growth of shoots, the growth point of which 
was affected during mowing. Of the three named, the first path should be considered the main one 
- shoots arising from the tillering node account for up to 80%. Thus, the productivity of Sudan grass 
is significantly influenced by the height of mowing. This issue has not been studied in the 
conditions of dry steppe zone of West Kazakhstan. In this regard, we studied the following height 
of mowing in cm: 5, 10, 15. 
As our research shows, the productivity of Sudan grass at different heights of mowing 
depends on the number of shoots with renewal gemma. With an increase in the height of mowing, 
the number of shoots having renewal gemma decreases, which also affects the intensity of growth.
In terms of years, the highest productivity of Sudan grass in the studies of cut height was 
determined in 2019, and the lowest in 2018. In 1 mowing in productivity, the intermediate position 
was occupied by crops of 2020.
In our research, with an increase in the height of mowing, the timing of mowing ripeness 
decreased, and the productivity of Sudan grass accordingly decreased. According to research 
data, on average for 2018-2020, the maximum yield of the green mass of Sudan grass was 
obtained when harvesting at the level of 5 cm 82.88 c/ha. Increasing the height of mowing to 10 cm 
reduces the yield of green mass by 14.67% (70.72 c/ha). When harvesting Sudan grass in a 15 cm 
mowing mode, the yield of green mass was 57.49 c/ha, which is the minimum of all options 
On average, in 2018-2020, the highest collection of dry mass of Sudan grass is provided 
with a green mass mowing height of 5 cm – 18.71 c/ha. When harvesting mowing mass at the level 
of 10 and 15 cm, there was a decrease in the collection of dry mass of Sudan grass to 15.99 and 
12.94 c/ha. 
As energy-protein assessment data show, on average, over 3 years of research in the 
relationship of feed value, the most effective was harvesting the draft mass at the level of 5 cm. 
when harvesting Sudan grass at the level of 5 cm of mowing mass, 15,34 c/ha of feed units, 1.50 
c/ha of digestible protein and 18.67 GJ/ha of exchange energy was obtained, while the supply of 
feed units with protein was 97.78 g. When harvesting mowing mass of Sudan grass at the level of 
15 cm, a decrease in the productivity of this crop was noted. With this mowing mode, the yield from 
1 ha of feed units was 10.63 c/ha, digestible protein 1.05 c/ha at an exchange energy collection of 
12.93 GJ/ha. The intermediate position for energy-protein value is occupied by a mowing mode of 
10 cm: 13.11 c/ha of feed units, 1.29 digestible protein and 15.96 GJ/ha of exchange energy, while 
providing feed units with protein at the level of 98.40 g. 
As it is known, aftermathability of Sudan grass is largely determined by the mowing height 
of mowing mass. Depending on the cut height, different number of renal renewal gemma remained 
not cut into unalienable stems from which new shoots appeared at different rates. Therefore, the 
duration of the inter-mowing periods was different. In the research with an increase in the height of 
plants cut, the duration of the intermowing period decreased and thus the period of mowing came 
earlier. When harvesting at a height of 15 cm, the period of after-grass mowing in 2018-2020, 
depending on the conditions of vegetation, came 20-26 days after 1 mowing, at a mode of 10 cm 
after 25-30 days, and at the height of 1 mowing at the level of 5 cm, the yield of after-grass came in 
35-40 days. This is due to the fact that with an increase in the cut height, renewal gemma of stage-
older ones with a high rate of development and low growth intensity remain on the stems.
As shown by the data of studies of 2018-2020 in the experiments, biometric indicators and 
productivity, as well as feed value, depended on the mowing height of Sudan grass in 1 mowing. In 
the second mowing, on average, for 3 years of research, the highest after-grass plant formation 
was formed during harvesting at the level of 5 cm – 45.50 cm. The lowest plant formation was 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Семей қаласының Шәкәрім атындағы мемлекеттік университетінің хабаршысы № 4(92)2020 
obtained during harvesting at the mode of 15 cm – 33.23 cm. The height of Sudan grass after-
grass at the height of 10 cm was 39.04 cm. 
The height of grass mowing influenced the leaf content in the crop, in the tilling capacity of 
Sudan grass plants. 
In the experiments, the highest leaf formation of after-grass was determined during 
harvesting in the mowing mode of 5 cm – 42.45%, and the smallest in the mowing mode of 15 cm 
– 28.75%. When harvesting mowing mass at the level of 10 cm, leaf formation of after-grass was 
37.13%. When harvesting at the level of 5 and 10 cm, Sudan grass plants had tilling capacity of 
4.12-4.16 and when raising the mowing height to 15 cm, the number of shoots per 1 plant was at 
the level of 4.08 pieces. 
On average, for 2018-2020, in the experiments, the preservation of Sudan grass plants 
beforeafter-grass mowing was at the level of 73.90-76.52 %. 
In 2 mowing, the productivity and feed value of Sudan grass after-grass depended on the 
timing of 1 mowing. At the same time, in 2 mowing, the highest productivity was determined on the 
crops of Sudan grass in 2019. In 2020, due to dry weather conditions, there was a decrease in the 
productivity of Sudan grass. 
On average, for 2018-2020, the most productive plant formation with high energy-protein 
indices was obtained when harvesting mowing mass in the mowing mode of 5 cm. In this mode, 
the collection of green and dry mass was 35.95 and 8.88 c/ha, and the yield of feed units and 
digestible protein is at the level of 7.81 and 0.66 c/ha at the collection of exchange energy 9.20 
Harvesting 1 mowing mass at the height of 15 cm reduced the productivity and fodder value 
of Sudan grass in 2 mowing. In this mode, on average for 3 years, the productivity and feed value 
of after-grass were minimal and amounted to: 20.18 c/ha green mass, 5.03 c/ha dry mass, 4.43 
c/ha feed units, 0.31 c/ha digestible protein and 5.21 GJ/ha exchange energy. The mode of 
mowing Sudan grass at the height of 10 cm in terms of after-grass productivity in 2 mowing in 
terms of productivity and fodder value occupies an intermediate position. 
The total productivity of Sudan grass for 2018-2020 depended on the height of 1 mowing.
At the same time, the highest productivity with high protein collection and exchange energy 
was determined during the mowing regime of Sudan grass at the height of 5 cm. Increasing the 
mowing height of mowing mass to 10 and 15 cm reduces the productivity and feed value of Sudan 
grass plant formation (Table 1).
Table1 – Total productivity of Sudan grass depending on the height of mowing for 2 
mowing, average for 2018-2020 
1. Official Internet resource of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan [electronic resource]. − 
2017. − URL: www.primeminister.kz/page/article_item-89. (accessed 12.10.2020). 
2. Elsukov M.P. One-year forage crops. – M.: Kolos, 1967. − 97p. 
3. Aleynikov L.D. Stern for a small farm. – M.: V.O. Agropromizdat, 1989. − P. 30 -31. 
4. Tsoi I.V., Vovchenko A.N. Biology of Sudan grass growth and increase in efficiency. − M.: V.O. 
Agropromizdat,1989. − P.226-247. 
5. Nichiporovich A.A., etc. Photosynthetic activity of plants in crops: (Methods and problems of account in 
connection with formation of harvests). − M, 1961. − 135 p.
6. Methodical recommendations about biopower assessment of crop rotations and technologies of cultivation 
of forage crops. − M, 1989. − 72 p.
7. Dospekhov B.A. Technique of field experiment. − M.: Agropromizdat, 1985. − 358 p.
Height of mowing mass, cm 

Green mass, c/ha 
Dry weight, c/ha 
Feed units, c/ha 
Digestible protein, c/ha 
Provision of feed units with protein, g 
Exchange energy, GJ/ha 

ISSN 1607-2774 
Вестник Государственного университета имени Шакарима города Семей № 4(92) 2020 
Б.Н. Насиев 

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