Билет №1 Шет тілін оқыту әдістемесінің басқа ғылымдармен байланысы

Speak on the subject «Principles of Classification of English Consonants»

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2. Speak on the subject «Principles of Classification of English Consonants»
Consonants are classified according to the following principles:

  1. According to the type of obstruction and manner of the production of noise.

  2. According to the place of obstruction and active organs of speech.

  3. According to the position of the soft palate.

  4. According to the work of the vocal cords.

Principle 1
According to the type of obstruction and manner of the production of noise consonants are divided into the following groups:

  1. Occlusive [ ә’ klusiv] –смычные.

  2. Constrictive [kәns’triktiv]- щелевые

  3. Occlusive – constrictive or affricates [‘әе frikeits ] – аффрикаты

Occlusive consonants are sounds in the production which the air-stream meets a complete obstruction in the mouth. Occlusive noise consonants are called stops because the breath is completely stopped at some point of articulation and then it is released with a slight explosion, that is why, they are also called plosives.
Occlusive voiced consonants are:[ b, d, g]. Occlusive voiceless consonants are:[p, t, k]. Occlusive sonorants are sounds in the production of which the air passes through the nasal cavity: [m, n,Ƞ].
2. Constrictive (щелевые) consonants are sounds in the production of which the air stream meets an incomplete obstruction in the resonator. Constrictive noise consonants are called fricatives, they are: [ f,v,Ѳ,ð,s,z,∫,ᶾ,h ].The English constrictive sonorants: [w, l, r, j].
3. Occlusive – constrictive or affricates are noise consonants. In the articulation of an affricate the stream of air is first stopped and then the closure is released with friction [ t∫, dᶾ ].
Principle 2
Consonants are classified according to the place of obstruction and active organ of speech. According to this principle consonants are divided into the following groups: Labial (губной), Lingual (язычный), Pharyngal – фарингальный. Labial consonants are subdivided into: Bilabial and Labio – dental .Bilabial consonants are articulated with the lips brought together: [p, b, m, w ]. Labio – dental consonants are articulated with the lower lip against the upper teeth: [f, v] . Lingual consonants are subdivided into: Fore lingual – переднеязычный, Medio –lingual –среднеязычный, Back –lingual- заднеязычный . Forelingual consonants are articulated with the tip of the tongue: [ Ѳ,ð,s,z,n,l,t,d,r,∫,ᶾ,t∫,dᶾ ]. Medio - lingual consonants are articulated with the middle part of the tongue against the hard palate: [j, Ƞ] Back - lingual consonants are articulated with the back of the tongue against the soft palate: [k, g ]. Pharyngal consonants are articulated in the pharynx: [h]

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