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Lecture 8. Тақырыбы: Styles of learning foreign languages

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Лекция - Тілдерді оқытудағы психологиялық мәселелер

Lecture 8.

Тақырыбы: Styles of learning foreign languages


1. Styles and strategies of learning foreign languages

2. Reflectivity and Impulsivity

Лекция мазмұны: 2.2 Styles and strategies of learning foreign languages

Theories of learning, Gagne's "types" of learning, transfer processes, and aptitude and intelligence models are all attempts to describe universal human traits in learning. They seek to explain globally how people per­ceive, filter, store, and recall information. Such processes do not account for the plethora of differ­ences across individuals in the way they learn, or for differences within any one individual. While we all exhibit inherently human traits of learning, every individual approaches a problem or learns a set of facts or organizes a combination of feelings from a unique perspective.

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