Білім-біздің өміріміздегі ең маңызды нәрселердің бірі. Сонда сіз келісесіз бе? Бұл сәттілік пен сәтсіздіктің арасындағы айырмашылықты тудыруы мүмкін. Білім бізге білім алып, бізді бай ете алады

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

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ТЖБ 6 сын (1)

Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

1. Education………in our lives [1]

    1. The most one things important

    2. things important most the of one

    3. one of the most important things

  1. Children start learning from a very …….. [1]

    1. youngage

    2. average age

    3. adult age

  2. In Japan, there are even private schools for babies to learn …… [1]

    1. French

    2. Chinese

    3. English

    4. Kazakh

Fill in the gaps with ONE WORD only.

  1. It’s a shame that in many rich ___________, many children don’t want to learn. [1]

  2. Make sure you never stop learning. Education is the key to a better ______. [1]

Total [5]

Task 2
Task. Read the article about cars.

Are you into cars? My brother is. He’s car crazy. He buys car magazines, watches car programmes on TV and spends hours looking at car websites. He knows the name, maker, engine size and top speed of every car on the planet. Every time we go out, he talks non-stop about the cars he sees. I like cars. They are interesting. If I had a lot of money, I’d like to buy a sports car. I’m saving up for a small car at the moment. I’ll probably buy a hybrid car that is good for the environment. My brother thinks these are boring. He says a car should be powerful and fast. I don’t agree. I think cars should get you from A to B and be big enough for me and my friends. I also prefer smaller cars because they are easier to park.

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