Бюллетень со рамн, №2 (130), 2008,- p. 30-34

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Information about Author

1. First name, last name

Abdreshov Serik Naurysbaevish

2. Position, Scientific degree, Academic Title

Docent, Candidate biological seines, Associate professor (docent).

3. Education

Diploma of Higher Education – ЖБ №0056718 March 17, 1999 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, specialty « Biology ».

Master's degree – МТБ № 0007883 June 30, 2003 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University.

Diploma for the degree of candidate of Biological sciences, FK № 0002169 on December 29, 2006 Control and Validation Committee in Education and Science MES RK.

Attested for a Title of Associate Professor in Biology ДЦ № 0000067 on July 4. 2014 Control Committee in Education and Science MES RK.

4. Area and directions of the researches, including participation in scientific projects with the short description of the results of research

  1. Responsible for this project: «Mechanisms of functioning of the lymphatic system in experimental pancreatitis and the development of methods for correction of metabolic and vascular disturbances» 2012-2014 yy.

  2. Responsible for this project: International Grants: «Influence of weightlessness structure and function of lymphoid organs» 2013-2015 yy.

  3. Responsible for this project: «Features of lymphatic system functioning in experimental peritonitis and it treatment way elaboration using the new natural antibiotic peptomid A-70 received from Kazakhstan’s actinomycetes» 2015-2017 yy.

5. The list of the main scientific publications, no more than 20 (patents, developed standards)

  1. Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbayeva L.E., Demshenko G.A. Morfofunktional state of neck lymphatic knots subject to the condition of microgravity // Бюллетень СО РАМН, №2 (130), 2008,- P.30-34.

  2. Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbayeva L.E., Akhmenbaeva N,A., Balkhybekova А.O. Сократительная активность лимфатических узлов при аллоксановом диабете и после антиоксидантной коррекции // Астана медициналық журналы, Астана, 2008, №1, - P/55-58.

  3. Abdreshov S.N. Учебное пособие «Экологическая физиология человека», Алматы, «Экономика», 2011, -224 стр.

  4. Abdreshov S.N. Morphofunctional state of mesenterial lymph nodes at alloxan diabetes // Вестник лимфологии, Москва, №2, 2009, - P.25-28.

  5. Abdreshov S.N., Demshenko G.A., Сдвиги лимфотока и состав лимфы при токсическом гепатите и их коррекция проекторными веществами // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2009, - Vol.153, - №1, -С. 40-42.

  6. Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbayeva L.E., Balkhybekova А.O. Реологические и биохимические показатели лимфы при аллоксановом диабете // Вестник РУДН, 2009, №4, - Р.436-440.

  7. Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbaeva L.E., Demshenko G.A., Achmetov Zh.B. Morphlogikal state of pancreas, lymph nodes and liver at alloxan diabetes // Reports of the NAS RK, 2009, – № 5. - С. 39-42.

  8. Abdreshov S. N., Bulekbayeva L. E., Қазақша-орысша, орысша-қазақша терминологиялық сөздік. Физиология. – Алматы, - 2012, - 164 р.

  9. Abdreshov S. N., Bulekbayeva L. E., Demshenko G. A. Lymph Flow and Contractile Activity of Mesenteric Lymph Nodes in Rats with Toxic Hepatitis Effects of Antioxidants // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, Vol. 155, No. 1, 2013, - P.22-25.

  10. Abdreshov S.N., Bulekbayeva L.E., Demshenko G.A., Akhmenbaeva N,A., Balkhybekova А.O. Способ коррекции функциональных нарушений лимфатической системы при аллоксановом диабете у крыс // Innovative patent, 2013 г, №26881.

  11. Abdreshov S. N., Bulekbayeva L. E., Demshenko G. A. Condition Lymph- and Hemodynamics in the acute experimental pancreatitis of Dogs // Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine, 2015, - Vol.159, - №1, -с. 40-42. (Impact factor – 0.366).

  1. Atanbaeva G.K., Abdreshov S.N., Ernazarova A.E., Tuleukhanov S.T. Infuluence of Diabetes on biochemical factors of Blood and Lymph in Rats // Materials of the X International Research and Practice Conference «International Conference on European Science and Technology», Munich – Germany, - 2015, - V. 1. – P. 68-72.

  2. Lobov G.I., Pankova M.N., Abdreshov S.N. Phase and tonic contractions of lymphatic vessel and nodes under the action of atrial natriuretic peptide // J. Regional hemodynamics and microcirculation. - 2015. – V.14, №3(55), - P. 72-77.

6. Scientific training

22.10.2007 -23.01.2008 Caspian Training Group General English Course Elementary level. Certificate №0366

2008 г. T. Ryskulov Kazakh Economic University Institute of professional training and distance education Каз ЭУ им. Т.Рыскулова Институт профессиональный переподготовки и дистанционного образования «The methodology of the lectures, seminars with the credit system of education» Certificate № 1755

27 October – 3 November 2008 year. Clinical and Experimental Lymphology SB RAMS, Interregional Scientific Advisory Center endoecological rehabilitation CEL SB RAMS. Novosibirsk, Russia. «Wellness and preventive medicine lymphology» the course «Internal Medicine», Certificate №8.

25 October – 09 December 2009 year. Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry. I.M. Sechenov RAS, St. Petersburg, Russia. Internships "Methods and evaluation of ultrasound Doppler examination of blood vessels and organs in humans and animals." Certificate «Ultrazvukovym Doppler sonography methods of determining the rate of blood flow in the blood vessels of humans and animals."

2013 y. «Seminar on prepare applications for grant funding for research», Certificate

29 November – 13 December 2013 year. the educational program "Pedagogy of the environment, safety and health" (author's course prof. S.V.Alekseev).

2015 y. Springer Authors Training, Certificate.

2015 y. Small Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan,Certificate.

Achievements in the research and pedagogical activities (Honours and awards)

2015 y. Small Academy of Sciences Republic of Kazakhstan, Diploma.

7. E-mail address, contact details (phone number: office, home, mobile)

SNABDRESHOV@mail.ru. сот. тел. 8 777 7412357

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