Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

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Reasons of our problem are:
1. There are many difficulties in learning of the Constitution because the language is too complicated and there’s no examples which are understandable and popular to children.
2. The teachers of primary schools have no experience of explaining the rightful acts to the schoolchildren.
The ways of solution of this problem:

  1. The Government buys the cartoon from Shymkent studio “Animaster” in order to show it to the primary pupils in schools.

  2. The Ministry of Education works out specializes methodical textbooks for the teacher of primary schools. They will include a short manual for the lessons, the plan and description of the cartoon by fragments, also the instructions about how to present the information given in the Constituition.

  3. The same Ministry works out the little book “The Constitution for Kids”, saving all the necessary terms and norms used in the document. But in order to make the Constitution more understandable and interesting, the children’s rights will be described in easier language and vivid form with the use of poems and bright illustrations.

  4. Having worked out the textbooks for the teachers and little books for children the Ministry of Education makes a public order to the publishing house “Atamura” for the printing. (The 2nd chapter “ the human and the citizen”)

  5. There will be a decree of the Education Departments to include watching this cartoon in the program of “Samopoznanie” course, which is taught at primary schools now.

  6. Organization of showing the cartoon to the pupils in accordance with the decree, using available equipment: activboards, TV sets, projectors etc.

  7. A correction to the program “Kazakhstan children” in the paragraph 5.3: qualitative education of primary pupils in the kids’ right field.

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