Дидактические материалы для учащихся к курсу по выбору «Дебаты на русском, казахском и английском языках»

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Constitution – your general physical condition.
Rights – something that you morally or legally allow to do or have. The definitional source is Macmillan School Dictionary.
Constitutional rights- these are the rights connected with constitution. Or simply saying it is self permission for doing or behaving or living some way.
Here is the main idea of our case. If you are fat, bold and red – haired, as Chubise is, than you have completed right to be such and you shouldn’t pay attention at any one’s marks on it.
SQ: People contemplate and appreciate the World and themselves through the stereotypes, which are spread by mass media, and accepted by wide people rounds without filtration. Let’s use e a simple example- women’s beauty ideals.
Historical reference;
The miss America of 1921 had a height of 160 sm, and a weight of 70kg. and this woman thought that she was the most beautiful woman of America, and was very happy about it. Let’s imagine what would happen if she took part in such a competition nowadays. It would be a tragical end for her. she would be inspired that she is too fat. It would be a personal drama.
But a generally accepted attractive woman would have been laughed at as too high and thin one according to the tastes of that time.
So think over, wouldn’t it be better to stop appreciating yourself and the situation around you in accordance with typical stereotypes? Of course, it will make plenty of people much happier and healthier!
That’s why the results of some periodical research, which was done by foreign psychologists begin to worry the medical society of the whole planet. Every 3rd citizen of Great Britain suffers from paranoia. The reason is that people live without knowledge about themselves, development cultivation interior harmony, spiritual values, the most of their thinkings aimed to enrichment and material prosperity. So according to this information paranoiac syndrome is as wide-spread
As warring misbalances and depression. This are some results:
More than 40% people always worry that they’re badly spoken about.
27% say their surroundings specially try to irritate them.
20% think that they are spied.
10% are afraid of somebody’s vengeance.
5% consider that people agreed to harm them.
If the is even a minimal damage in blood circulation in the neck hemispheres’ activity, which lead to psychical problems.

Каталог: images
images -> 6 Хромтау гимназиясы тәрбие жұмысының жылдық жұмыс жоспары Азаматтық-патриоттық, құқықтық және полимәдениеттік тәрбие
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
images -> БАҒдарламасы қазақ филологиясы кафедрасы Орал-2014
images -> АҚПараттық хат қҰрметті әріптестер!
images -> Абай Құнанбайұлы (1845—1904)
images -> Автобиография кандидата в депутаты районного маслихата по избирательному округу №5
images -> «Қазақстан тарихы» пәнінен «6М020300-тарих» мамандығына арналған жазбаша емтихан сұрақтары 1 блок
images -> Мазмұны Қазақстандағы жоғары білім, Ғылым және МӘдениет
images -> Үлгілік оқу жоспары
images -> Сембі Жансая Хасанқызы Қазақ тілі мен әдебиеті

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