SQ Woman was always considered as a part of a man, just as the most useful thing. Let us remember different civilizations and societies: India, china, middle Asia, Russia, medieval Europe, Japan, Indian America and so on… everywhere men decided everything, but decided in order to defend their own property, including wives. So man and woman lived together in full harmony like one creature: woman was making peace inside the family while the man was making the peace outside. But in the 19-20 centuries appeared feminism. Feminists tried to make woman’s and man’s rights equal. And they did it in many countries. Was it a progress or regress? We think it was a regress because:
ArgI The God created men and women different, He gave them different opportunities(for example average man’s brain’s weight more than woman’s one on 100gr, but there is a bigger percent of grey matter in average female brain, and of course average man much more powerful than woman) and that’s why they have different duties in front of society and each other. As we know, rights should be proportional to responsibility and duties.
And, if opportunities are different and unequal then duties are to.
If duties are difficult and unequal then rights of man and woman can not be similar and equal.
ArgII In idealmodern society and ideal modern family man and woman take important decisions together. One of such important decisions is decision whom to vote for. But people of each sexes have already decided it at home so we have two alike decisions in each family. That’s why woman don’t need to have heir own voice- her dear husband will vote for two people in one voice. So the whole situation will not change- the number of voting voices will become less in double.
ArgIII According to sociologists’ experience the most active group of people are men between 20 and 45 years old. Of course more active men need in more rights than less active women.
Philosophy Husband is a worker, wife is a mason- husband carries stones but wife builds.(Georgian proverb).
So a man who has a power supplies the family with material( financial, energetic et cetera) but only woman can really built a good family- foundation for state’s and society’s progress.