Е. С. Закирова, П. А. Красавин Английский язык для технических вузов

parts to create a competitive advantage. Stated formally, the general objectives

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T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)

parts to create a competitive advantage. Stated formally, the general objectives 
of FMS are to approach the efficiencies and economies of mass production, and 
to maintain the flexibility required for small- and medium-lot-size production 
of a variety of parts. Two kinds of systems for manufacturing fall within the FMS 
spectrum: assembly systems for assembling components into final products and 
systems of forming, which actually form components or final products.
General trends of automation

A generic FMS consists of the following components: 
— a set of work stations which contain machine tools that do not require 
significant set-up time or change-over between successive jobs; typically, these 
machines perform operations of milling, boring, drilling, etc.; 
— a material-handling system allowing to move between any pair of ma-
chines so that any job routing can be followed; 
— a network of supervisory computers and microprocessors which are ca-
pable of performing some or all of the following tasks: directing the routing of 
jobs through the system; tracking the status of all jobs in progress so it is known 
where each job is to go next; passing instructions for the processing of the op-
eration to the station; ensuring that the right tools are available for the job; and 
providing the monitoring of correct performance of operations and signaling 
problems requiring attention;
— a storage, locally at the work stations, and (or) centrally at the system 
Generic FMS
Exercise 11. Agree or disagree with the following statements.
1. FMS is both a manufacturing process and a philosophy. 2. Early FMSs 
were small with several CNC machines. 3. Today two or more CNC machines 
are thought of being a flexible cell and two or more cells make up a flexible 
manufacturing system. 4. FMS is a group of numerically-controlled machine 
tools interconnected by a central control system. 5. The main components of 
FMS are: a set of workstations with machine tools, a material-handling sys-
tem, a network of supervisory computers and storage.


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