Байланысты: T A Karpova Anglysky dlya tekhnicheskikh vuzov (1)
Exercise 7. Think over the definitions of the words which appear in the texts and dialogues and then: a) agree or disagree with the following definitions 1.
A hole is space in the surface of something that goes partly or completely
through it.
To remove is to take something away.
Chemical is a substance produced by a process involving chemistry.
A lathe is a machine that holds a piece of wood or metal and makes it
move around so that you can cut and shape evenly.
To traverse is to move over or across an area.
b) match each word with its correct definition drilling, turning, grinding, boring, welding 1. Joining process.
2. Producing cylindrical surfaces.
3. Making holes.
4. Turning inside of the cylinder.
5. Producing very fine finishes.
c) find the definitions for some other words which you consider to be important for the topic “Engineering Materials Technology”. Use the website www. macmillandictionaries.com GRAMMAR REVISION Exercise 8. Read the sentences, point out the verbals. Give the Russian equiva- lents. If you have some difficulties, use the grammar reference at the end of the book. 1. This is the material to be removed. 2. To produce fine finishes a grinding
machine uses an abrasive wheel. 3. Finished parts should meet specifications.
4. Turning is a cutting process. 5. I can’t explain it without watching the pro-
cess. 6. They began grinding the workpiece. 7. He made the workpiece rotate.
8. We consider this material to be rather hard. 9. Milling is known to be a very
complex process. 10. A milling cutter proves to be a multipoint tool.